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recommit Meaning in marathi ( recommit शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पुन्हा वचन देणे, फेरविचारासाठी सादर करणे,

पुन्हा एकदा गुन्हा म्हणून करा,


फेरविचारासाठी सादर करणे,

recommit's Usage Examples:

involvement in the siege of Tobruk, but in June 1942 it was sent to Egypt and recommitted to the North Africa campaign.

promissive, promissory, readmission, readmit, recommit, remise, remiss, remissible, remission, remissive, remissory, remit, remittal, remittance, remittee.

"CFU Womens Challenge Series 2018 gets the ball rolling on recommitment to female players".

au/news/2017-11-27/rookie-dogs-recommit-to-roarke "Caleb Daniel".

Blinken spoke about the United States "recommitting to our alliances" at the European Commission in Brussels on March 25, 2021.

But the gold bloc countries recommitted themselves to maintain a stable rate of exchange of their currencies.

their beachheads around Buna and Gona, and elements of the brigade were recommitted to the fighting.

This report was recommitted and subsequently a resolution was reported that John Richards was entitled.

(link) ""I"m excited to see where we can go from here" – Anna Stembridge recommits to Team Bath Netball as Superleague Head Coach".

In June 2014, Somali Prime Minister Ahmed recommitted Somalia to the force during an African Union Summit in Equatorial Guinea.

The recommittal service there had 14 bishops, about 100 priests, and many lay people.

the use of modernist designs, but since the mid-1990s the University recommitted to the gothic architecture keeping the specific materials and forms of.

relationship has faced several obstacles, including a motorbike crash, Joel"s recommitment to the Church, a kidnapping, and pregnancy.


commit, pull, perpetrate,


uncertainty, unbelief, borrow, divest,

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