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rapture Meaning in marathi ( rapture शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

आनंदी, आनंदाची अवस्था,


परमानंद, भावना, थडगे, हिसकावून घ्या,

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rapture's Usage Examples:

her forehead—she holds an organ in her hands—her countenance, as it were, calmed by the depth of its passion and rapture, and penetrated throughout with.

rapture is one of several premillennial views on the end times events among some evangelical Christians which states that Christians will be raptured.

wife in the highest estimation, may be debarred the felicity of hymeneal raptures, from sickness, absence, and a variety of other temporary causes, which.

Portsmouth - Lee Ashcroft"s goal sending the 10,000 strong army of fans in raptures.

In addition to her adult appearances, Adams has also appeared in mainstream movies, such as the comedy movies Wimps (1986) and Student Affairs (1987), the thriller Enrapture (1989), and the movie Killer (1990), credited as Deborah Blaisdell.

(1563–1631): Neat Marlow bathed in Thespian springs Had in him those brave translunary things That the first poets had, his raptures were, All ayre, and fire.

"Lee Dong-gun enraptures Japanese fans at hallyu star meeting".

rapture (pīti) bliss (sukha) one-pointedness (ekaggata) Second jhāna (dutiyajjhana) rapture (pīti) bliss (sukha) one-pointedness (ekaggata) Third jhāna (tatiyajjhana).

"Dalai Lama enlightens and enraptures contemplative scientists in Boston".

With real rapture I think of those origins of mine and this whole nexus of destiny, through which the oldest memories of the human race stand side by side with the latest developments.

Andrews (Tim), a hydrophobic young man who sells Dan his new DVD and enraptures him with his divine singing voice.

a Wanton Wag, - about a young man who appears at a wedding feast, and enraptures bride and bridesmaids by his "leg" at dancing - appeared in Ramsay"s Tea-Table.

The word is akin to rapine, rapture, raptor, rapacious and ravish, and referred to the more general.


raptus, exaltation, transport, emotional state, ecstasy, spirit,


cowardice, courage, unhappiness, happiness, dull,

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