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rare Meaning in marathi ( rare शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

दुर्मिळ, कराचीतदृष्टी, उत्कृष्ट, क्वचितच असे घडते,


अंतर, उत्कृष्ट, दुर्मिळ, असामान्य, अप्रतिम, पातळ, उथळ, दुर्मिळ दृश्य, अर्धा भाग, दाट नाही,

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rare's Usage Examples:

grow many rare plants such as the: black fungus, zhenmo, and wei or cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea).

Some rarer grips include extreme-western or Hawaiian.

syndrome is a rare, slowly progressive genetic disorder that can vary symptomatically between individual cases, but is generally characterised by ossification.

As a chemical component of other minerals, the oxide yttria was first isolated in 1789 by Johan Gadolin, from rare-earth minerals in a mine at the Swedish town of Ytterby, near Stockholm.

Addison"s disease, also known as primary adrenal insufficiency and hypocortisolism, is a rare long-term endocrine disorder characterized by inadequate.

Over time these two data bases have revealed some coins once thought rare to be remarkably common, whereas others thought more common have shown to be likely few in number.

Native copper occurs rarely as isometric cubic and octahedral crystals, but more typically as irregular masses and fracture fillings.

The barn swallow and house martin now rarely use natural sites.

A black and white photograph of the Tring hybrid appeared in Animals of the World (1917) with the caption This is a photograph from life of a very rare hybrid.

Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) (also known as pustular drug eruption and toxic pustuloderma) is a rare skin reaction that in 90% of.

Ancestral Recall is the only rare Boon and the only one not to have been reprinted since the Unlimited set.

Archaeologist Lionel Casson has used the term galley to describe all North European shipping in the Early and High Middle Ages, including Viking merchants and even their famous longships, though this is rare.

included nondispersive infrared gas analyzers electrometers such as the Cary Model 31 and 36 Electrometers which used a vibrating reed with an ionization.




fat, common,

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