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rapprochement Meaning in marathi ( rapprochement शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सामंजस्य, पुनर्मिलन,


प्रेमळ नातेसंबंध पुनर्संचयित करणे, पुनर्मिलन,

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rapprochement मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

13 फेब्रुवारी 1961 रोजी सुवर्ण महोत्सवी पुनर्मिलन समारंभात स्मारकाचे अनावरण करण्यात आले.

जर्मन पुनर्मिलन आणि शीतयुद्ध संपल्यानंतर NATO ने 14 नवीन सदस्य जोडले आहेत.

नाचो नाचो प्यारे मन के मोर (पुनर्मिलन).

कोरियन पुनर्मिलनासाठी आणि प्रादेशिक शांतता आणि जागतिक सुरक्षितता वाढवण्याच्या मोठ्या प्रयत्नात योगदान देण्याच्या चळवळीचे.

गोष्ट जन्मांतरीची - पुनर्मिलन (अनिल मेहता, १९७९).

त्याच वर्षी किशोर शाहू यांच्या नायिका म्हणून स्नेहप्रभा प्रधान यांना बॉम्बे टॉकीजच्या ’पुनर्मिलन’ या चित्रपटात भूमिका मिळाली.

शेवटच्या अंकात सर्वदमन या दुष्यंत शकुंतलेच्या पुत्राच्या मदतीने त्यांचे पुनर्मिलन झालेले दिसून येते.

सोव्हिएत नेते मिखाईल गोर्बाचेव्ह आणि युरोपियन आणि यूएस वार्ताकार यांच्यातील अनौपचारिक समजांशी विसंगत असल्याचे पाहून रशियाने पुढील विस्ताराला राजकीय विरोध करणे सुरूच ठेवले आहे ज्यामुळे शांततापूर्ण जर्मन पुनर्मिलन होऊ शकते.

नाचो नाचो प्यारे मन के मोर(चित्रपट: पुनर्मिलन, कवी प्रदीप).

पुनर्मिलन (हिंदी-१९४०)(नायक किशोर शाहू).

rapprochement's Usage Examples:

His reign saw several rapprochements between the Cuzas and the Mourouzis, all of which created controversy.

wrote a pamphlet entitled "Calvino-Turcismus" in criticism of these rapprochements.

Although there were temporary rapprochements between her and Anthony, a state of alienation persisted between them.

motto was adopted as the name of a political party which advocated rapprochement with Argentina, the Desire the Right Party, which fielded three candidates.

As Dirksen continued to press Hitler for a rapprochement with the Soviet Union, Hitler decided to make him his new ambassador in Japan.

Konstantin Zinich, sculptor (Krasnoyarsk): The philosophy of touching a fox and a man is rapprochement, kindness, there is no aggression from the fox - it was wild, and he made it genetically domesticated.

During the Chinese-Western rapprochement, one Z-5 was refitted with a Pratt " Whitney Canada PT6T-6 "Twin Pac".

As a former British prince, Ernest Augustus as well as Victoria Louise desired a rapprochement between the United Kingdom and Germany.

The tensions between ethnic Poles and Jews as a result of this period has, according to some historians, taken a toll on relations between Poles and Jews throughout the war, creating until this day, an impasse to Polish-Jewish rapprochement.

Orthodox Church Abroad openly challenged the Patriarch"s efforts at rapprochement with the Roman Catholic Church, claiming that it would inevitably lead.

The first official removal of all exclusions, apology for opponents of the Botschaft prophecy—not for the prophecy itself—and attempted rapprochements regarding the prophecy were started in 2005 and 2006, in Switzerland and Saarland.

The Gera Demands followed a period of rapprochement between the two German states.

Fischer in her book The Reagan Reversal, pin Able Archer 83 as profoundly affecting President Reagan and his turn from a policy of confrontation towards the Soviet Union to a policy of rapprochement.


reconciliation, cooperation,


nonconformity, noncompliance, competition,

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