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rangefinder Meaning in marathi ( rangefinder शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

रेंजफाइंडर, चित्रे काढण्यासाठी किंवा शूटिंगसाठी अंतर सेटिंग सिस्टम, मोजण्याचे साधन,

मोजण्याचे साधन (ध्वनिक किंवा ऑप्टिकल किंवा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक),

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rangefinder मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पवित्र शास्त्र ईश्वरी वाणी – कॅनन (Canon) या इंग्रजी शब्दाचा अर्थ मोजण्याचे साधन किवा मापनसूत्र असा होतो.

rangefinder's Usage Examples:

Infantry and Cavalry School (1905) Notes on rangefinders, compasses and on contouring with the Scale of Horizontal Equivalents (series: Infantry and Cavalry.

The Fujifilm X-E3 is a digital rangefinder-style mirrorless camera announced by Fujifilm on September 7, 2017.

Laser rangefinder - The Vector IV mil spec laser rangefinder measures distances up to , and houses a digital compass and class 1 eye safe filters.

w/reticle, laser rangefinder, and clinometer, using photographic methods combined with a laser rangefinder and clinometer, or by using cloud mapping techniques.

suggest that the term for the rangefinder telemeter might be replaced with tacheometer.

ground-based laser rangefinder and then verified by a tree climber with a tapeline, however it later perished along with 15 other tall trees during the 2009.

It is a feature of camera systems where the body allows interchangeable lenses, most usually the rangefinder camera, single lens reflex type.

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers, scanners, laser rangefinders, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), inertial navigation systems and software.

common to rangefinder cameras – by including a microlens array to reduce fall off in intensity from the center to corners of the image.

the German ships had the advantage that their rangefinders were drier than the British rangefinders facing the spray.

It comes with the new SUV-M-84 computerized fire-control system, including the DNNS-2 gunner's day/night sight, with independent stabilization in two planes and integral laser rangefinder.

The Leica M Monochrom is a full-frame digital rangefinder camera of Leica Camera AG, and features a monochrome sensor.

Accessories The M200 Intervention comes with a portable advanced ballistic computer, laser rangefinder binoculars and meteorological and environmental sensor package.

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