ranger Meaning in marathi ( ranger शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
पहारेकरी शिपाई, घोडदळ, राजमाळी, प्रवासी, हाऊंड, फॉरेस्ट रेंजर, रॉयल माळी, वनपाल, पर्यटक,
पहारेकरी शिपाई, प्रवासी, हाऊंड, फॉरेस्ट रेंजर, वनपाल, पर्यटक,
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ranger मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
मारुती चितमपल्लींची कोईमतूरच्या सदर्न फॉरेस्ट रेंजर्स कॉलेज या वानिकी महाविद्यालयात दोन वर्षांच्या प्रशिक्षणासाठी निवड झाली.
फॉरेस्ट रेंजरचा प्रामाणिक अहवाल डावलून,बनावट ठराव सादर करून खोटी माहिती नोंदवत वरिष्ठ अधिकाऱ्यांनी पवन चक्क्यांना दिलेल्या परवानगीबद्दल माधव गाडगीळ यांच्या अध्यक्षतेखाली नेमलेल्या पश्चिम घाट परिसर तज्ञ गटाच्या अहवालातही कडक ताशेरे ओढले आहेत.
ranger's Usage Examples:
Mandel's first job upon returning to Chicago after graduation was as a music arranger for the American Broadcasting Company’s house orchestra.
The arranger often underwrites the financing, then handles syndication or builds up a group to underwrite.
The main character in A Happy Death is named Patrice Mersault, similar to The Stranger's Meursault; both are French Algerian court clerks who kill another man.
Over time - perhaps weeks or even months - the stranger, having obtained as much personal information as possible, grooms the child, gaining his or her trust through compliments, positive statements, and other forms of flattery to build an emotional bond.
Staying overnight requires a wilderness permit which can be obtained at the Hetch Hetchy ranger station or reserved online.
FilmSharon was the music director and arranger for the film Pitch Perfect, as well as singing on several of the songs, where he was credited on screen as Male Voice #1.
In the north, the Dutch led the way in developing expanses of window glass in orangeries.
Today, Elkmont is home to a large campground, ranger station, and historic district maintained by the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Goldenseal orangeroot, yellow puccoon Hydrastis canadensis Uterotonic Greater celandine celandine Chelidonium.
forest fire fighter, fire warden, fireman, fire fighter, fire-eater, firefighter, functionary, coyote, official,
juvenile, woman, draftee, volunteer, unconfirmed,