randomly Meaning in marathi ( randomly शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
यादृच्छिकपणे, स्वैरपणे,
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randomly मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
प्रत्यक्ष यमाला देखील ‘मामा’ बनवून आपली दिडकी चाल सहज लक्षात येणार नाही, अश्या पद्धतीने मामा पेंडसे स्वैरपणे रंगमंचावर वावरले, आणि यशस्वी अभिनेते म्हणून प्रसिद्धीच्या झोतात राहिले.
जमीनदारांनी स्वैरपणे ठरवलेला आणि ब्रिटिश सरकारने मान्य केलेला हा शेतसारा किंवा दंड देऊ न शकलेल्या वाटेकरी, शेतकर्यांची घरे जवळ असलेली संपत्ती, पशुधन आणि अगदी कपडेसुद्धा जप्त करण्यात आले.
ज्वलनशील पदार्थ पट्टदकल (कानडी - ಪಟ್ಟದಕಲ್ಲು - पट्टदकल्लु - (स्वैरपणे) राजबैठकीचा दगड).
कर्नाटकात खंडोबास मैलार किंवा खंडू गौडा (स्वैरपणे : खंडू पाटील) तर आंध्रात मल्लाण्णा नावाने ओळखतात.
या प्रकारची पद्धती ही जेव्हा सहनिर्देशक हे स्वैरपणे निवडले जातात तेव्हा योग्य ठरते.
randomly's Usage Examples:
The fibers may be randomly arranged, flattened into a sheet (called a chopped strand.
nothing special about observing an object in the present moment (Tnow), then one can expect the present moment to occur randomly between the start (Tstart).
Solomonoff described a universal computer with a randomly generated input program.
In addition to health items, the letters A, N, U and T appear randomly in the ring.
begins, a third party randomly places the possible amount of prize in the briefcases, which are distributed to 26 identically dressed models called the 26K.
also draws a Power-Up multiplier that is randomly drawn from 16 balls (eight balls are marked with the number 2; five are marked with 3; two are marked.
An ideal gas is a theoretical gas composed of many randomly moving point particles that are not subject to interparticle interactions.
The Rookie Challenge, established in 1994, was originally competed by two randomly selected teams composed entirely of first-year players.
Within this design, "groups of people who are initially equivalent (at the pretest phase) are randomly.
(jackknifing) or drawing randomly with replacement from a set of data points (bootstrapping) Exchanging labels on data points when performing significance tests.
stabilizing interactions, a polymer backbone will "sample" all possible conformations randomly.
When superimposing two identical layers comprising randomly spaced parallel lines, at a small angle or with a small scaling difference random line moiré patterns, namely line Glass patterns (after Leon Glass, 1969) appear.
arbitrarily, at random, haphazardly, every which way, willy-nilly, indiscriminately,