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randomisation Meaning in marathi ( randomisation शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



randomisation's Usage Examples:

The randomisation of the candidate list on each ballot form ensures the secrecy of each.

effect of study treatments on all-cause mortality at 28 days after first randomisation".

nonrandomised alternatives always exist to randomised Bayes rules, randomisation is not needed in Bayesian statistics, although frequentist statistical.

Inquiry into poverty in Australia and helped to introduce the double randomisation method of ordering candidates used in Australian elections.

Mathematically, however, it is as valid as any other, in that with proper randomisation it is demonstrable that it would give a significant result with known.

address randomization to allow multiple similar devices on the bus (after randomisation the devices can be distinguished by their serial number).

possible to estimate the average treatment effect in environments in which randomisation is unfeasible.

smokers and non-smokers) and to use a separate randomisation list for each group.

Adding swaddling to behaviour modification in infant care did not reduce excessive crying in healthy infants <13 weeks of age at randomisation.

Each randomisation list would be created such that after every block.

"What can mendelian randomisation tell us about modifiable behavioural and environmental exposures?".

Most included studies did not report on randomisation techniques or how treatment allocation was concealed, did not provide adequate information to permit judgement of selective reporting and did not report blinding of outcome assessors.

There is an extensive literature discussing Basu's problem of estimating the weight of the elephants at a circus with an enormous bull elephant named Jumbo, which Basu used to illustrate his objections to the Horvitz–Thompson estimator and to Fisher's randomisation test.


organisation, organization, randomization,


inactivity, finish, nonalignment,

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