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randed Meaning in marathi ( randed शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




randed's Usage Examples:

The frankfurters are sold through Sabrett branded carts on the streets of New York City.

Abrams rebranded Styleite as Runway Riot in 2015, appointing model Iskra Lawrence as managing editor.

An electric wire ferrule (sometimes electric end terminal) is a metal tube crimped over stranded wire to secure the strands within a screw terminal.

In 2016, it was the third biggest selling branded over-the-counter medication sold in Great Britain, with sales of £66.

As such, it is easy for them to be erroneously branded unadventurous in sexual matters.

It was later re-branded as Epic in June 2019.

The latter connection resulted in the pedals being branded the 'Foxey Lady'.

If a slippoint cannot be found, or a slipstream drive is damaged, the ship is stranded and limited to slower than light speed.

Société Radio-Canada), branded as CBC/Radio-Canada, is a Canadian federal Crown corporation that serves as the national public broadcaster for both radio and.

that replicate through a DNA intermediate (Group VI) and all accepted species of double-stranded DNA viruses (except Hepadnaviridae) that replicate through.

An anomaly aboard the satellite occurred a few days later, however, when it was still in a Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO), leaving it Reconfigured into Safe Intermediate Orbit, or stranded in GTO.

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