rancing Meaning in marathi ( rancing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
नाचणे, नाटक, नृत्य मंडळ,
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rancing मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
गावामध्ये तिलोरी कुणबी समाजाची लोकसंख्या जास्त आहे, हा समाज शेती कसणारा कष्टाळू आणि प्रामाणिक म्हणून ओळखला जातो कुणबी कुटुंबे राघव,हातणकर, नाचणेकर या आडनावाची आहेत,तसेच गावामध्ये मराठा कुटुंबे सुद्धा वास्तव्यास आहेत, पूर्वापार सरदारकी असल्यामुळे मराठा समाज हा सुशिक्षित,आणि सधन आहे.
एकतालात नाचणे व घुंगरांचा आवाज यामुळे या बावाबुद्धयांचे नृत्य पाहण्यासारखे असते.
एका तालात नाचणे व घुंगरांचा आवाज यावर या बावाबुद्धयांचे नृत्य पाहण्यासारखे असते.
भरतनाट्यम विद्यार्थी सुरुवातीस घुंगरूंशिवाय नाचणे शिकतात.
नृत्य म्हणजे नाचणे, या धातूवरून नृत्य, नृत, नर्तन इ.
भोवत्या आणि छबिना याचा अर्थ मंदिराच्या भोवताली प्रदक्षिणा घालत गोलाकार फेर धरत नाचणे होय.
रत्नागिरी जिल्ह्यातील गावे नाचणे हे भारतातील महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील दक्षिण कोकणातील रत्नागिरी जिल्ह्यातील रत्नागिरी तालुक्यातील एक गाव आहे.
ताळ प्रबंदाचे गाणे | नाचणे वाद्य सर्वही || ७ ||.
rancing's Usage Examples:
is: My Prairie Song Bird Fairy, My little love canary, Your voice is so entrancing, It set my heart a dancing, Your love-notes seem to thrill me, With joy.
He rides a prancing white hobbyhorse through the city streets from the Premonstratensian (Norbertine) Convent.
reinforced his status as a one-in-a-million virtuoso blessed with an entrancing range of expression and musicianship.
After Kidkill refuses his original act (which was Homer prancing around in a monkey suit), he goes to his second plan; an act where he rides a tricycle with Butch Patrick on his shoulders, both of them dressed as Eddie Munster, on a stage as both are being attacked by cobras (some real, some animatronic snakes packed with venom).
The emblem he wore side by side on his plane of a black horse prancing on its two rear hooves inspired Enzo Ferrari to use it on his racing car.
live performances, accompanied by visual art, have been described as "entrancing communions".
"little prancing horse") is the symbol of Italian sports car manufacturer Ferrari and its racing.
by Leonardo da Vinci, in that she is very mysterious but nonetheless entrancing.
78 Oh! breathe not his name What the bee is to the flow"ret At the mid hour of night The Sword of Erin It is not the tear Oh the sight entrancing The.
The Ferrari's monopostos were now sporting the Prancing Horse shield on the engine cover.
behavioral responses to human-induced tonic immobility (TI, sometimes termed "trancing" or "playing dead") have been found to be indicative of a fear-motivated.
The company is based in Grantham, and still trades under the name Barford which uses a modern version of the Aveling-Barford prancing horse logo.
"little prancing horse") is the symbol of Italian sports car manufacturer Ferrari and its racing division Scuderia Ferrari.