ramped Meaning in marathi ( ramped शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
रॅम्प, राग येतो, लुटणे, दादागिरी करणे, चालता हो, वेडे होतात,
वेडेपणा, लँडिंग, वळण, गुंडगिरी, दरोडा, चालू स्तर,
लुटणे, राग येतो, दादागिरी करणे, चालता हो, वेडे होतात,
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ramped मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
त्या लोकांपैकी एक जण म्हणाला की, मला माहिती आहे की तू एक अस्पृश्य आहेस, आणि तू आमचे अथितिगृह बाटवले (अपवित्र केले) आहे! तू येथून आत्ताच चालता हो! आंबेडकर म्हणाले की, आत्ता रात्रीची वेळ आहे, त्यामुळे मी सकाळी येथून निघून जाईन.
ramped's Usage Examples:
But that year he tramped further north than he had been before.
is depicted in the 1920 film The Golem, composed of cramped, angular, squinted buildings, but this impression is used purely to convey the expressionist.
He faulted it for the large bezels that lead to a cramped feel of its screen during multitasking with two apps.
boarded trains from two island platforms, reached from ground level via ramped approaches.
in cramped rented accommodation and spending their off-hours drinking in grimy pubs, to explore controversial social and political issues ranging from.
Additionally, Chuck Bowen of Slant Magazine observes that the presentation of the church sequences signifies a closed-in nature that favors cramped medium shots and close-ups that induce claustrophobia.
5-mile course, his ski broke and he tramped the last six miles with the broken ski.
That evening, with about half of his command, White tramped off the main roads through fields and forests to Waterford, evading the.
Porous roofs, cramped conditions, extreme temperatures have all contributed to the numerous emergency room visits that the main leaders of the party have experienced.
Doug Stewart noted: "The spartan, cramped, and unstintingly functional jeep became the ubiquitous World War II four-wheeled personification.
Isochromat modeIn isochromat mode, the incident electron energy is ramped and the emitted photons are detected at a fixed energy that is determined by the photon detector.
construction cost £3,000, but the new building was a major improvement on the cramped conditions on Long Street.
incline, ski jump, inclined plane,
activity, refrain, discontinue, behave,