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ramparts Meaning in marathi ( ramparts शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

तटबंदी, सरासरी भिंत, किल्ला, सरासरी,


सरासरी-भिंत, किल्ला, सरासरी,

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ramparts मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पुढच्या काळात १७०६ मध्ये ताई तेलिणीने हा किल्ला आपल्या हातात घेतला.

किल्ल्याच्या आत बालेकिल्ला लागतो.

हा किल्ला अंजनवेल गावाच्या सीमेवर आहे.

१९३४ मधील जन्म खांदेरी हा महाराष्ट्रातील एक किल्ला आहे.

म्हणून त्रिशीर्षाने हा जहाजाचा किल्ला बांधला होता.

कर्नाळा किल्ला पनवेलपासून सुमारे १२ कि.

हागी किल्ला, हागी, यामागुची.

उहारा किल्ला, चिनो, नागानो.

किल्ल्याचा इतिहास आणि पायथ्याचा परिसर एकदा लक्षत आल्यानंतर प्रत्यक्षात किल्ला चढणे व किल्ल्याची पाहणी करणे सोपे जाते.

राजगड किल्ला संपूर्ण पाहण्यासाठी साधारण २ दिवस लागतात.

ramparts's Usage Examples:

GeographyMahasthangarh (Pundranagar), the ancient capital of Pundravardhana is located north of Bogra on the Bogra-Rangpur highway, with a feeder road (running along the eastern side of the ramparts of the citadel for 1.

At the site, castle-related landscaping, such as ramparts, partly filled wells, and a leveled hilltop or a series of terraces, will provide evidence of the original layout of the castle.

The projectiles of their ballistae caused heavy damage to the ramparts.

The walls of stone also incorporated ramparts of mounded earth.

design of ramparts varied from the simple mounds of earth and stone, known as dump ramparts, to more complex earth and timber defences (box ramparts and timberlaced.

Circular ramparts usually have a moat or ditch in front of them; the embankment can be enhanced.

With the cities" knights and their liegemen living right next to the cities defenses, they were able to man the ramparts.

The ring fortification consisted of four bastioned ramparts and an annexed citadel as well as various outworks.

The storming troops, including men of the 73rd and 74th regiments, clambered up the breach and fought their way along the ramparts.

As the ice melts, ramparts can form around the edge of the kettle hole.

Kastellet was continuous with the ring of bastioned ramparts which used to encircle Copenhagen but of which only the ramparts of Christianshavn remain today.

for comfort, but for defence, surrounded by moats and ramparts, inside oppressively small, packed with livestock and stables, its dark chambers crammed with.

large modern suburb outside the old town, which was a walled city; some vestiges of the ramparts still remain.


fraise, crenelation, crenellation, earthwork, bailey, embankment, merlon, wall, fortification, bulwark, munition, battlement,



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