raker Meaning in marathi ( raker शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
रेकर, सफाई कामगार, टूथपिक, निरोप, शिडी,
रुतित्तला, ब्रेड कारखाना,
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raker मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
शिडी घाट : हा गणेश घाटाप्रमाणेच खांडसहून भीमाशंकरला जातो.
चित्र:सोंडाई गडावरुन लोखंडी शिडी.
वज्रगडाला शिडी लाविली आहे बाजूस । वरती चढवी तोफांस ॥.
खांडस गावातून शिडी घाट , गुगळ घाट आणि गणेश घाट या तीन वाटांनी भीमाशंकर गाठता येते.
सोन्याची शिडी (कादंबरी).
दोरीची शिडी बांधली शिपाई कमरेला । हळुच वर चढवीला ॥.
काथ्याच्या दोराने शिडीप्रमाणे ही रचना घट्ट बांधून तयार केली जाते.
तेथे यादव यांच्या दुकानात चौकशी करून शिडीच्या वाटेने चकदेव ला जाता येते.
तिथपर्यंत दोन बांबू लावलेले असतात व त्याला दोरीने विणून ठेवलेले असते त्याला शिडी असे म्हणतात.
कडा चढून जाण्यासाठी सुमारे ८-९ फुट उंचीची एक लोखंडी शिडी आहे.
समोरची खड्या चढणीची शिडीची वाट, तर उजव्या बाजूची पायर्यांची फिरुन जाणारी कमी चढणीची वाट.
गडावर गेल्यावर शिडी वर चढुन जाताना एक छोटं पाण्याच टाक लागते ते पाणी पिण्यासाठी आहे.
साप आणि शिडी (कथासंग्रह, किमान तीन आवृत्त्या)).
raker's Usage Examples:
journalist who was associated for many years with Collier"s Weekly and the muckrakers.
He appeared twice in the drama series UFO, once as the partner of Ed Straker's estranged wife and once as the captain of a British warship under attack by the aliens.
Equally significant to progressive-era reform were the crusading journalists known as muckrakers.
wavy layer of parakeratin is produced on the epithelial surface and desquamated keratin may be present in the cyst lumen.
thairfoir as a braker of the Law ather befoir the privie counsall or ony vther ordinar magistrat within this realme at the optioun of the pairtie complenar And.
It opened at the Shaftesbury Theatre on 18 December 1991, with a similar cast to the 1984 production - Peter Straker was The Phantom and Christina Collier as Christine.
rakers not markedly reduced in size, snout small and projecting lips hypertrophied; ventral margin of lower lip folded and fringed.
Van der Zyl also provided dialogue coaching to Gert Fröbe, whose English was limited, for the movie Goldfinger and continued to work as a voice-over artist for the series until Moonraker.
The Unity Labour Party gain government and Louis Straker was elected to house of parliament.
He was one of the mayors excoriated in Shame of the Cities, a series by muckraker Lincoln Steffens on municipal.
The green jack is distinguished from other similar carangid species by a number of features including gill raker and lateral line scale.
Parakeratosis is a mode of keratinization characterized by the retention of nuclei in the stratum corneum.
reputation, "Was it not the duty of those who were called muckrakers to rake up the good earth as well as the noxious?" She was fascinated by Thomas Lynch.