raking Meaning in marathi ( raking शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
दळणे, एक शिडी सह गुळगुळीत, लवकरच भेटू, पूर्ण दाखवा, शिडी, तपास करणे, खरवडणे, शिडीने दाढी करा,
वासनांध, सांगाडा, कुरुनी, झुडपे, टूथपिक, निरोप, शिडी, अनैतिक व्यक्ती,
दळणे, एक शिडी सह गुळगुळीत, शिडी, तपास करणे, खरवडणे, शिडीने दाढी करा,
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raking मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
शिडी घाट : हा गणेश घाटाप्रमाणेच खांडसहून भीमाशंकरला जातो.
चित्र:सोंडाई गडावरुन लोखंडी शिडी.
वज्रगडाला शिडी लाविली आहे बाजूस । वरती चढवी तोफांस ॥.
खांडस गावातून शिडी घाट , गुगळ घाट आणि गणेश घाट या तीन वाटांनी भीमाशंकर गाठता येते.
सोन्याची शिडी (कादंबरी).
दोरीची शिडी बांधली शिपाई कमरेला । हळुच वर चढवीला ॥.
काथ्याच्या दोराने शिडीप्रमाणे ही रचना घट्ट बांधून तयार केली जाते.
तेथे यादव यांच्या दुकानात चौकशी करून शिडीच्या वाटेने चकदेव ला जाता येते.
तिथपर्यंत दोन बांबू लावलेले असतात व त्याला दोरीने विणून ठेवलेले असते त्याला शिडी असे म्हणतात.
कडा चढून जाण्यासाठी सुमारे ८-९ फुट उंचीची एक लोखंडी शिडी आहे.
समोरची खड्या चढणीची शिडीची वाट, तर उजव्या बाजूची पायर्यांची फिरुन जाणारी कमी चढणीची वाट.
गडावर गेल्यावर शिडी वर चढुन जाताना एक छोटं पाण्याच टाक लागते ते पाणी पिण्यासाठी आहे.
साप आणि शिडी (कथासंग्रह, किमान तीन आवृत्त्या)).
raking's Usage Examples:
absorbs the torque from the braking action, and that is why back plate is also called the "Torque Plate".
However, this left a lot of slack between carriages, so acceleration and braking would be both rough and noisy.
Alongside the standard braking system, the bus also was equipped with two backup braking systems.
A slug increases the number of traction motors available to the locomotive, increasing both the pulling and braking force.
because it preserves engine braking by eliminating a sprag between first and second gears.
Regenerative braking is an energy recovery mechanism that slows down a moving vehicle or object by converting its kinetic energy into a form that can.
Once saturated with oil, the lagging attracted coal dust and ash, which provided combustible material, and sparks from heavy braking would set the lagging on fire underneath the air-smoothed casing.
Tires often overheat if maximum braking is applied during an aborted takeoff or an emergency.
The storm was the most severe to strike Odisha in the 20th century, raking the state and adjacent areas with high storm surge, powerful winds, and torrential rainfall.
Trail braking is a driving and motorcycle riding technique where the brakes are used beyond the entrance to a turn (turn-in), and then gradually released.
There were 2 trains:Class E954 Fastech 360S: 8-car set for use on shinkansen tracks onlyClass E955 Fastech 360Z: 6-car set for use on both shinkansen and Mini-shinkansen linesFastech 360 trains were equipped with emergency air braking plates like that of an aircraft, similar in appearance to the ears of a cat.
remote or rider body weight-shifting between front of the board for forward motion and rear for braking.
Each coach also has an "advanced pneumatic disc brake system" for efficient braking at higher speeds, "modular interiors" that integrate.
smoothen, smooth,
high, high pitch, roughen,