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railroad Meaning in marathi ( railroad शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

लोखंडी, रेल्वेमार्ग,



railroad मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अंतरावर स्थानक असलेला रेल्वेमार्ग आधारित सार्वजनिक जलद परिवहन उपलब्ध करून देणे व ज्या क्षेत्रांत उपनगरीय रेल्वे नाही, तेथे ही सेवा उपलब्ध करणे व तसेच, त्या क्षेत्रांना एकत्र जोडणे.

त्यांचा मुलगा अब्दुल हुसेन आदमजी पीरभॉय ह्याने १९०७ साली नेरळ-माथेरान रेल्वेमार्गाचे बांधकाम पूर्ण केले.

भारतीय रेल्वे फॅन क्लब फोटो गॅलरी: मेमू एक दुहेरी एकक किंवा ट्विनसेट रेल्वेमार्गाच्या दोन डब्यांचा किंवा इंजिनचा संच आहे ज्या कायमस्वरुपी जोडल्या जातात आणि मानल्या जातात की जणू काय ते एकच एकक आहे.

संदर्भ: संत साहित्य नागपूर छत्तीसगड रेल्वेचे प्रादेशिक सरकारच्या मालिकाचा १,००० मिमी मीटरमापी रेल्वेमार्ग होता.

हांगचौ-षेंचेन द्रुतगती रेल्वेमार्ग निंगबोमधूनच धावतो.

भारताचे प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी उच्च-गती रेल्वेमार्ग बांधण्यास जपान ची निवड केली.

भारत देशामध्ये रेल्वे वाहतूकीसाठी ब्रॉड गेज वापरात असला तरीही बहुतेक सर्व शहरांमधील मेट्रो रेल्वेमार्ग स्टॅंडर्ड गेजच वापरतात.

द्रुतगती रेल्वेमार्ग बांधण्याऐवजी विद्यमान मार्गांचा वापर करून द्रुतगती रेल्वेसेवा सुरू करण्यासाठी रेल्वेचे प्रयत्न सुरू होते.

हिण्डौन सिटी रेल्वे स्थानक दिल्ली-मुंबई रेल्वेमार्गावरील एक प्रमुख स्थानक आहे.

हे स्थानक मुंबई उपनगरी रेल्वेच्या मध्य रेल्वेमार्गावर असून मुंबईहून खोपोलीकडे धावणाऱ्या सगळ्या लोकल गाड्या येथे थांबतात.

मुंबई–चेन्नई रेल्वेमार्ग.

मध्य रेल्वेची स्थानके वांबोरी रेल्वे स्थानक दौंड मनमाड रेल्वेमार्गावरील स्थानक आहे.

मंगळूर ते मुंबईदरम्यान ही गाडी कोकण रेल्वेमार्गावरून धावते.

railroad's Usage Examples:

During his term he increased teachers' salaries, eliminated many garbage dumps and oversaw the building of a garbage incinerator, had a bridge built over the railroad, eliminating a dangerous level crossing, opened a fire station in South Atlanta, and began the switch from horse-drawn to motor-driven firefighting equipment.

Even though this railroad had many successes quickly, the rivers were strong competitors.

The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway (reporting mark ATSF), often referred to as the Santa Fe or AT"SF, was one of the larger railroads in the United.

Sometimes a bridge line, a railroad that has a majority of traffic coming from points not on its line, is owned equally by the companies that use it (via trackage rights).

Byers railroad station, after its opening in 1871, and continued after plumbago (graphite) was discovered in the area in 1875.

Due to changes in transportation after the construction of the interstate highway system in the postwar years and shift to trucking, railroads in the late 20th century went through widespread restructuring and reduction.

The founding of the Newton Circuit Railroad by a group of Newton citizens in 1882, with the stated goal of completing the circuit by building a line from Brookline to Riverside, prompted the two railroads to take action.

The city is a notable railroad hub, as well as an industrial centre (textiles, shoes, metallurgical plant, machine works, wood and paper industry).

He eventually acquired patents as an inventor, developing a rattrap that needed no bait, and a railroad safety device to prevent accidents.

In 1876 the railroad came along, and the town plat of Dunnigan was filed for record at the county seat November 1 of that year.

Rafters floated the planks and ties down the Big Piney to the railroad yard at Arlington on the Gasconade River, but they first had to negotiate the sharp bend in the river where rafts sometimes broke up and ties were lost.


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lowered, decreased, ignoble, overhead, surface,

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