railroaded Meaning in marathi ( railroaded शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
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railroaded मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
केरळ संपर्क क्रांती एक्सप्रेस कोकण रेल्वेमार्गे धावते.
अरक्कोणम मुंबई-चेन्नई व बंगळूर-चेन्नई रेल्वेमार्गांवरील एक महत्त्वाचे जंक्शन आहे.
भारतीय रेल्वेच्या मध्य रेल्वे विभागाच्या अखत्यारीत असलेला हा मार्ग मुंबई चेन्नई रेल्वेमार्गावरील दौंड शहरास मुंबई कोलकाता रेल्वेमार्गावरील मनमाड शहरास जोडतो.
नागरी परिवहनासाठी येथे सेप्टा ह्या सरकारी संस्थेद्वारे अनेक बसमार्ग, जलद परिवहन रेल्वेमार्ग, उपनगरी रेल्वेमार्ग चालवले जातात.
जळगाव-सुरत रेल्वेमार्ग.
कटरा गाव जम्मूपासून ४५ किमी अंतरावर असून ते काश्मीर रेल्वेमार्गाद्वारे जम्मू तावीसोबत जोडले गेले आहे.
हावडा-चेन्नई व हावडा-मुंबई ह्या भारतामधील दोन प्रमुख रेल्वेमार्गांवर असलेले खडगपूर रेल्वे स्थानक देशातील सर्वात वर्दळीच्या स्थानकांपैकी एक आहे.
एया कंपनीची भारत सरकारच्या रेल्वे मंत्रालयांतर्गत भारतात द्रुतगती रेल्वेमार्गाचा विकास आणि अंमलबजावणी करण्यासाठी स्थापना करण्यात आली आहे.
मध्य रेल्वेची स्थानके शिरसाई रेल्वे स्थानक दौंड बारामती रेल्वेमार्गावरील छोटे स्थानक आहे.
साखळी सामने अहमदाबाद–मुंबई रेल्वेमार्ग हा भारतामधील एक प्रमुख रेल्वेमार्ग आहे.
या रेल्वेमार्गावरील उपमार्ग भारतीय रेल्वेच्या जाळ्यातील महत्त्वाचे मार्ग आहेत.
याशिवाय गुजरातमधील संस्थानांसाठी या कंपनीने २ फूट ६ इंच रुंदीच्या नॅरोगेज रेल्वेमार्गाचे जाळेही बांधले.
चाळीसगांव-धुळे रेल्वेमार्ग.
railroaded's Usage Examples:
Cobb, a local lawyer, is railroaded by Judge Bell into being the defense attorney for Geiger, the German prisoner.
developed by sports entrepreneur George Preston Marshall, effectively railroaded the team into joining its ranks by prohibiting member teams from playing.
frequently made local and even national news for such actions as the "railroaded" prosecution of mobster Roger Touhy for the fake kidnapping of Jake "The.
dancer who marries a local businessman to seek revenge on a corrupt political boss who had her railroaded into prison.
At the end of the month, Mann publicly charged that he had been "railroaded" out of professional football.
" The players are railroaded by a non-player character who "pops up whenever the party is going astray".
local businessman to seek revenge on a corrupt political boss who had her railroaded into prison.
Editorial Board of The Wall Street Journal, asserts that Amirault was railroaded.
Labour, the Tories, Lib Dems and the Scottish Greens said the bill was "railroaded" through by the SNP.
The University faced claims by unaccused members of the team that they "railroaded 47 Duke University students.
PlotThe innocent owner of a van that is unsuspectingly used in a back-room bookie operation robbery is railroaded (informal, refers to the conviction of someone based on false or weak evidence without proper corroboration) for the killing of a cop during the getaway.
Kevin Starr and city historian Gladys Hansen stated that Wittman was railroaded.
Fryer and McGowan Pinheiro state that the Constitution was railroaded through not letting more than a handful of people vote "no" but the authors.
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surface, overhead, ignoble, decreased, lowered,