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raiding Meaning in marathi ( raiding शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

छापा मारणे, बाहेरून अचानक हल्ला, विमानावर हल्ला करण्यासाठी, त्रास देणे, हल्ला,


अन्न मिळवण्यासाठी छापेमारी,

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raiding मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जातीय भावनेतून शारीरिक इजा करणे, त्रास देणे, अपमान करणे.

यामध्ये पाऊस ; नद्यांमध्ये बेडरोक वेअर; समुद्र आणि लाटा द्वारे किनारपट्टीवरील धूप; हिमवर्षाव तोडणे, घर्षण करणे आणि त्रास देणे; क्षेत्रीय पूर; वारा घर्षण; भूजल प्रक्रिया; आणि भूस्खलन आणि मोडतोड वाहण्यासारख्या इ.

एखाद्या व्यक्तीवर काळा जादू करण्याचा किंवा सैतानचा अवतार असल्याचा आरोप, त्याच्यावर / तिच्यावर रोग किंवा दुर्दैवी कारणीभूत असल्याचा आरोप करणे आणि त्या व्यक्तीला त्रास देणे.

रात्रीचे वेळीसुद्धा छोटे हल्ले करत त्रास देणे सुरू ठेवले, तरीही चिकाटीने इंग्रज फौज खंडाळ्याला आली.

ती पुढे म्हणाली: "पुरुषांनी तिला खुप त्रास दिला, लैंगिक त्रास देणे, तिचे केस ओढणे, तिला स्पर्श करण्याचा प्रयत्न करणे.

सुखीलालाच्या मुलीला त्रास देणे त्याच्या नित्याच्या टवाळकीचा भाग असतो.

आझाद दस्त्यातील सदस्यांच्या कुटुंबीयांना मारहाण, अटक करणे, त्रास देणे सुरू केले.

raiding's Usage Examples:

Because the typical ghazw raiding party often did not have the size or strength to seize military or territorial objectives, this usually meant sudden attacks on weakly defended targets (e.

A protection racket is a scheme where a potentially hazardous group guarantees protection from violence, looting, raiding, piracy, and other such threats.

Algiers under Caccia Diavolo which were raiding the coast of Valencia and ferrying Moriscos from Spain to Algeria.

whatu is a pre-European finger weft twining weaving method used to make cloaks; and whiri is braiding to make cord.

synth-pop pioneers sound lifeless compared with all the 80s-raiding whippersnappers so indebted to them.

Naval warfare in the 16th century Mediterranean was fought mostly on a smaller scale, with raiding and minor actions dominating.

Plainer clothing in dark colours and without braiding was worn by footmen, chauffeurs and.

Historical contextThe Vikings' regional origins lay in Scandinavia, the northernmost peninsula of continental Europe, while the term 'Viking' likely derived from their own term for coastal raiding—the activity by which many neighbouring cultures became acquainted with the inhabitants of the region.

defied him to his face, and called him a liar, and while he was thus upbraiding the traitor, I saw Maramaldo feel for the handle of his dagger; he unsheathed.

Just as important is the act of braiding, which passes on cultural values between generations, expresses bonds between.

The Guaranis continued raiding the valley and the region until the 19th century.

attention to detail, he was also an inventor of a machine for braiding horsewhips.

Historically, there has been a variety of methods of rug making, including braiding, hooking, and weaving.


marauding, predatory, offensive,


lovable, palatable, inoffensive, defensive,

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