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rail car Meaning in marathi ( rail car शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

रेल्वे कार, रेल्वेचा एक डबा,

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rail car's Usage Examples:

This information is used to uniquely identify every such rail car or locomotive, thus allowing it to be tracked by the railroad they are.

In Chicago the IAIS owns two yard facilities, Burr Oak Yard and Evans Yard (the site of former rail car builder Evans), both in Blue Island, Illinois.

Despite attempts to be more efficient through modernisations, such as the introduction of petroleum driven rail car services, the.

Visitors have the opportunity to enter the artifact and imagine the conditions experienced by the people transported in this type of rail car.

However, the HBRY has been able to successfully operate heavier rail cars and longer trains in recent years without difficulty, resulting in increased business to the Port of Churchill and from various mines and pulp mills.

A cable car (usually known as a cable tram outside North America) is a type of cable railway used for mass transit in which rail cars are hauled by a.

Procurement of more than 380 cars would require additional authorization (PA 05-4 JSS provides funds to acquire at least 342 rail cars at slightly under "900 million).

Furthermore, in 1870 Cal-P reconstructed the I Street Bridge to withstand the weight of rail cars, so the rail line could reach Sacramento.

Michelin built its first rail car in 1929, and by 1932 had built a fleet of nine cars.

Since the 1980s Pininfarina has also designed high-speed trains, buses, trams, rolling stocks, automated light rail cars, people movers, yachts, airplanes, and private jets.

The introduction of refrigerated rail cars contributed to the westward expansion of the United States.

railroads, known as "dummylines" and the felled trees were dragged or "skidded" to the railroad where they were later loaded onto rail cars.

A two car train of articulated light rail cars carried roughly the same number of people as a three PCC train.


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tough, inedible, outbid, underbid, unloving,

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