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ragbag Meaning in marathi ( ragbag शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



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ragbag's Usage Examples:

"BBC strike sees ragbag of presenters take to the airwaves".

26 March 2014 Media related to Jorma Ollila at Wikimedia Commons From ragbag to riches, The Guardian, August 3, 2005 "Board of Directors".

"The Aurora Orchestra: Insomnia CD review – a bit of a ragbag".

song is very Mike Scott with its meditative verse, celebratory chorus and ragbag of spiritual references.

there was plenty on tape but it was a bit of a ragbag really.

published in October 2007 and was described in The Sunday Times as "the sort of ragbag of choice culinary morsels that would pass the time nicely on a train journey".

what look like different screenplay drafts," and concluded that "It"s a ragbag of action scenes which needed to be bandaged more tightly.

dignity on what the "20s called the "American scene" in a book he called a "ragbag of stripes and streaks of color from nearly all ends of the earth .

This ragbag of "pre-loved" music is a good test for distinguishing between the original.

cursory listen to the album suggests that the whole thing was simply a ragbag of crazy notions thrown into the air to see where they landed.

But cohabitation is such an unhelpful word because it covers a whole ragbag of relationships, so it"s not really comparable.

sluggish tale that offers moments of great beauty but ultimately feels like a ragbag, take-your-pick bundle of poetic and spiritual suggestions inspired by China’s.

dignity on what the ’20s called the "American scene" in a book he called a "ragbag of stripes and streaks of color from nearly all ends of the earth .


gallimaufry, miscellanea, oddments, motley, potpourri, melange, salmagundi, hodgepodge, mixture, miscellany, mishmash, assortment, mixed bag, farrago, variety, smorgasbord, odds and ends, mingle-mangle, omnium-gatherum, hotchpotch,


type, antitype,

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