ragged Meaning in marathi ( ragged शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
चिंध्या, फाटलेले कपडे घातले, इब्रो थेब्रो,
फाटलेले कपडे, चिंध्या घालणे, जीर्ण, उग्र, तुकडे केले, वितळलेला,
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ragged's Usage Examples:
of an animal"s head, when the neck is depicted with a ragged edge as if forcibly torn from the body.
He is from a deprived family, wears ragged, dirty clothing and is known to live with his grandmother after his parents abandoned him.
)Stark was dragged unconscious from the cage and rushed to a hospital where she was treated for a mangled and broken arm.
Robert laments how the whole world has to stop because Ray is having a routine procedure, and states that the only reason he is there is because Marie dragged him there since he is the same blood type as Raymond.
A black corporal sent to inquire after the private, was pistol-whipped, chased and shot at, before being dragged.
Flora include water violet, bee orchid and ragged robin.
episode "Do you mean to say you"ve dragged us—front-line troops—on a fool"s errand like this?" The platoon, dressed up as Nazi soldiers for a film, are.
crystallization could occur at depth, where temperatures are higher, the formed cumulates are then "dragged" up by mantle flow to form the lower oceanic crust.
appearance with a large balding head, crooked teeth, thin moustache, large bulging yellow eyes, wearing ragged clothes and bent over a pail washing azuki.
alignments: flush left—the text is aligned along the left margin or gutter, also known as left-aligned, ragged right or ranged left; flush right—the text.
A body was apparently dragged out from it earlier.
neo-Nazi podcasts, he openly laughed as he described "firing niggers and spics" in his entry-level HR job, and bragged about killing "muds" and "watching.
One UNC guard was isolated from the rest, dragged between the MAC and JDO buildings, and beaten on the head with a shovel.
unevenness, new,