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rafts Meaning in marathi ( rafts शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मांडस, तराफा, प्लब, ड्रोन, माशी, लाकूड तरंगते, वुड फ्लोटिंग स्ट्रॅटम,


मांडस, तराफा, प्लब, माशी, लाकूड तरंगते, वुड फ्लोटिंग स्ट्रॅटम,

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rafts मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तेव्हा त्याला तराफ्यावर बसवून तराफा ढकलत नदी पार केली आणि त्याला वैद्यकीय मदत मिळवून दिली.

सिंह : मघा + पूर्वा + उत्तराफाल्गुनी-१.

धनिष्ठा, चित्रा किंवा मृग नक्षत्रात चंद्र असेल तर द्विपुष्कर योग आणि कृतिका, पुनर्वसु, विशाखा, उतराफाल्गुनी, उत्तराषाढ़ा वा उत्तराभाद्रपद नक्षत्रात असेल तर त्रिपुष्कर योग होतो.

कन्या उत्तराफाल्गुनीचे उरलेले ३ चरण, हस्त नक्षत्राचे ४ चरण आणि चित्राचे पहिले २ चरण.

सिंह मघाचे ४ चरण, पूर्वाफाल्गुनीचे ४ चरण आणि उत्तराफाल्गुनीचा पहिला चरण.

उद्वाहक हा एक प्रकारचा, यंत्रांच्या सहाय्याने खेचता येणारा वा ढकलल्या जाणारा तराफाच होय.

धनिष्ठा, चित्रा किंवा मृग नक्षत्रात चंद्र असेल तर द्विपुष्कर योग आणि कृतिका, पुनर्वसु, विशाखा, उतराफाल्गुनी, उत्तराषाढ़ा वा उत्तराभाद्रपद नक्षत्रात असेल तर त्रिपुष्कर योग होतो.

rafts's Usage Examples:

Products made by cottage industries include sabutan crafts and other handicrafts.

Party by medium and small entrepreneurs, merchants, handicraftsmen, petite bourgeoisie, some peasants and Christians, out of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal.

The surgeon then implants the grafts into small incisions, called recipient sites.

These are temporary advances (overdrafts) extended by RBI to the govt.

In 2012, Craftsmen was declared the most used lawnmower brand in New Mexico.

The town is known for its handmade paper and papercrafts, similar to washi, but made with indigenous fibers.

The following is a list of drafts held by National Women"s Soccer League (NWSL), with a brief description of each.

the same time reflect the old world traditional charm of the Chopras, incased in some truly superb lyrics by master craftsman, Gulzar.

their hearts, I will work a reformation among them, and I will put down all lyings, and deceivings, and priestcrafts, and envyings, and strifes, and idolatries.

Rafters floated the planks and ties down the Big Piney to the railroad yard at Arlington on the Gasconade River, but they first had to negotiate the sharp bend in the river where rafts sometimes broke up and ties were lost.

graphic designer, wall painter, painter, draftsman, lithographer, pen artist, etcher, and academy lecturer.

craftsmen and women were associated with it.


dozens, lots, large indefinite amount, scads, scores, slews, piles, oodles, loads, stacks, tons, heaps, wads, gobs, large indefinite quantity, lashings,



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