raffles Meaning in marathi ( raffles शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
रॅफल्स, लॉटरी, लॉटरी विक्री, दूत खेळला,
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raffles मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
लॉटरीच्या तिकिटांवरील कोठावळ्यांचा शिक्का इतका लोकप्रिय झाला की हे तिकीट घेतले की लॉटरी लागणारच असा विश्वास ग्राहकांच्या मनात निर्माण झाला.
एक लाख नॅनोची लॉटरी पद्धतीने प्रथम विक्री केली गेली.
त्याचे पाच मोठे भावंडे होते आणि कौटुंबिक उत्पन्नात भर घालण्यासाठी लहानपणी लॉटरीची तिकिटे विकली जायची.
महाराष्ट्र राज्य लॉटरी.
सुरूवातीला, १९व्या शतकात टाऊन हॉलचे ("टोंडल" देखील बोलण्यात यायचे) बांधकाम निधी अभावी पूर्ण होऊ शकले नाही आणि लॉटरीच्या माध्यमातून १०,००० रुपये जमा करून 'लिटररी सोसायटी ऑफ बॉम्बे' (मुंबई)ने केवळ ग्रंथालय व संग्रहालय बांधले गेले.
१९६९ मध्ये केशवरावांनी लॉटरीच्या तिकिटांचा व्यवसाय सुरू केला.
raffles's Usage Examples:
The carnival-themed party included fortunetellers, games, live music and circus performances, and raffles, as well as.
Attractions seen at village fêtes include tombolas, raffles, coconut shies, bat a rat stalls, white elephant stalls, cakes, and home produce such as.
The rich dipterocarp forest also harbor numerous tropical plant species including the threatened species of pitcher plants and rafflesia as well as endemic banana varieties.
Attractions seen at village fêtes include tombolas, raffles, coconut shies, bat a rat stalls, white elephant stalls, cakes.
Gambling is illegal, with minor exceptions for non-profit bingo, raffles and cakewalks.
Attractions The festival offers a variety of attractions including numerous amusement rides, 73 stands ranging from shooting galleries to raffles, 95 food stands, and Chandler's market with 60 market stalls and a boxing show.
Christmas events were cancelled and raffles and tombolas were banned at a recent school fete because they were considered un-Islamic.
administered by the commission, although there are other sources such as tombolas, raffles, or sales.
Charities and businesses from around the area place stalls, tombolas and raffles around the centre, and on the other side is the beer tent and.
on April 15, 2016 was able to take a snapshot of the rafflesia flower.
Sir Thomas Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles,