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raffle Meaning in marathi ( raffle शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

राफल, लॉटरी, लॉटरीने विकले,


लॉटरी, लॉटरी विक्री, दूत खेळला,


लॉटरी खेळ, लॉटरी विक्री,

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raffle मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

लॉटरीच्या तिकिटांवरील कोठावळ्यांचा शिक्का इतका लोकप्रिय झाला की हे तिकीट घेतले की लॉटरी लागणारच असा विश्वास ग्राहकांच्या मनात निर्माण झाला.

एक लाख नॅनोची लॉटरी पद्धतीने प्रथम विक्री केली गेली.

त्याचे पाच मोठे भावंडे होते आणि कौटुंबिक उत्पन्नात भर घालण्यासाठी लहानपणी लॉटरीची तिकिटे विकली जायची.

महाराष्ट्र राज्य लॉटरी.

सुरूवातीला, १९व्या शतकात टाऊन हॉलचे ("टोंडल" देखील बोलण्यात यायचे) बांधकाम निधी अभावी पूर्ण होऊ शकले नाही आणि लॉटरीच्या माध्यमातून १०,००० रुपये जमा करून 'लिटररी सोसायटी ऑफ बॉम्बे' (मुंबई)ने केवळ ग्रंथालय व संग्रहालय बांधले गेले.

१९६९ मध्ये केशवरावांनी लॉटरीच्या तिकिटांचा व्यवसाय सुरू केला.

raffle's Usage Examples:

impromptu race; and a custom motorcycle that a pair of customers need to raffle off to a military veteran at the Republic of Texas Biker Rally, which needs.

In a bid to get people to stay, Protégé decided to raffle off "1,000 cash late in the evening.

A raffle is a gambling competition in which people obtain numbered tickets, each of which has the chance of winning a prize.

The carnival-themed party included fortunetellers, games, live music and circus performances, and raffles, as well as.

Attractions seen at village fêtes include tombolas, raffles, coconut shies, bat a rat stalls, white elephant stalls, cakes, and home produce such as.

The trays of meat raffled vary in content: a barbecue style mix of steaks, lamb chops, sausages etc.

Several residents work together over the winter to construct a quilt that is raffled off at the picnic to raise money for community projects.

A raffle number was included with each line.

The rich dipterocarp forest also harbor numerous tropical plant species including the threatened species of pitcher plants and rafflesia as well as endemic banana varieties.

Numbers are assigned in the order that the tickets are purchased; thus, the 100,000th ticket purchased for a given raffle will have the number 00100000.

The Society raffled the portrait on the eve of the North British Society"s local celebration.

most of the proceeds are spent on prizes and the raffle is run as a social occasion and a method of enticing customers into a local pub.

watch from Seigel"s jewelry store, Duck Reardon and Mike Walsh organized a raffle with the Sullivan Association at Coyne"s saloon and, arranging it so that.


drawing, lottery,


withdraw, deny, borrow,

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