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rae Meaning in marathi ( rae शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

तीव्रतेने किरणोत्सर्गी धातू घटकामध्ये युरेनियम धातूंचे प्रमाण जे प्रति मिनिट होते,


शंभर चौरस यार्डचे क्षेत्रफळ,

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rae's Usage Examples:

Stark Aerospace is the newly formed subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries.

Music and cultureThe Abu Gosh Music Festival is held twice a year, in the fall and late spring, with musical ensembles and choirs from Israel and abroad performing in and around the churches in Abu Ghosh.

But the broken heart it kens nae second spring again, Though the waeful may cease frae their grieving.

Early careerHer first television appearance was in 1969, when she appeared in Broaden Your Mind on BBC Two alongside Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor.

The Palestinian police would assume responsibilities in Area H-1 similar to those in other cities in the West Bank; and Israel would retain all powers and responsibilities for internal security and public order in Area H-2.

These pleurae are absent in the posteriormost segment, which bears a pair of non-walking.

Awards and commemorationIn 1961, Katzir was awarded the Israel Prize, in life sciences, together with his pupil, Ora Kedem.

Once in Israel, Perel was inducted into the Israel Defense Forces and fought in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.

magistrates, known as praetors.

Crucibulum auricula is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Calyptraeidae, the slipper snails or slipper limpets, cup-and-saucer.

He was awarded the Israel Prize in the field of exact sciences (which he returned in 1992 in protest of the award of the Israel Prize to Emile Habibi), the Albert Einstein Award, the Wigner Medal, and the EMET Prize for Arts, Sciences and Culture.

That Caesar mentions both praemia poenasque, premiums and fines may indicate that a system with two separate kinds of fines, comparable to the body-fine/restitution and honour-price in early Irish and Welsh law, already existed in late prehistoric Celtic laws.

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