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preserver Meaning in marathi ( preserver शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

संरक्षक, पंख,



preserver मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

लांबसडक, अरुंद, टोकदार पंखांची लयबद्ध हालचाल करत अत्यंत सहजपणे उडणारा सुरय हवेत मधूनच थांबतो, गिरकी घेतो आणि दगड पडावा तसा पाण्यात बुचकुळी मारतो.

तसेच पंखाची टोके काळी असतात.

उन्मेश, अंतर्यामी, सूर्य किरणात आला, पंख, माणूस उकरून काढावा लागतोय ही त्यांची पुस्तके प्रकाशित झाली आहेत.

भारतीय नीलपंख साधारणपणे ३१ सें.

घर, पाय, भाऊ, सासू, सासरा, गाव, दूध, घास, कोवळा, ओळ, काम, घाम, घडा, फुल, आसू, धुर, जुना, चाक, आग, धूळ, दिवा, पान, वीज, चामडे, तहान, अंजली, चोच, तण, माकड, अडाणी, उधोग, शेत, पाणी, पेटी, विनंती, ओंजळ, आंधळा, काय, धुर, पंख, ताक, कान, गाय.

वनस्पती त्रिपंखी (संस्कृत: त्रिपक्षी; हिंदी: त्रिपुंखी; इंग्लिश:ट्रेलिंग कोल्डेनिया; लॅटिन: कोल्डेनिया प्रोकम्बेन्स; कुल–बोरॅजिनेसी) ही ओलसर जमिनीवर पसरून वाढणारी ही अनेक फांद्यांची व एक वर्षभर जगणारी वनस्पती आहे.

काळसर पंखांवरील पांढऱ्या रेषा उठून दिसतात.

३मी जास्त होती तसेच पंख आणि शेपूट दोन्हीचा आकार मोठा होता.

कंगोरे व अरूंद-पंखाचे बिया सपाट.

खालील भाग पिवळसर उडताना पंख काळे व हिरवे असे दुरंगी दिसतात.

preserver's Usage Examples:

traditional rulers of Nnewi are the ofo holders and as such, preservers and upholders of Nnewi culture and traditions.

Although he falsely claimed to have invented the "Mae West" life preserver, credited with saving hundreds of aviators lives during WW2, this is.

functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified as a triad of deities, typically Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva.

industrious, belong to the household, act as the family"s caregivers and caretakers and financial administrators, perform as the "preserver of the home",.

For example, the Lifeguard Barbie playset includes a Barbie, an outfit with shoes, a lifeguard chair, a dolphin, and a life preserver.

Barbie, an outfit with shoes, a lifeguard chair, a dolphin, and a life preserver, while the Italian Teacher Barbie includes a Barbie, an outfit with shoes.

of the ship has never been found, with the exception of an oar and a life preserver, and no bodies were ever recovered.

civilians the soldier saved and adds that "the man thus preserved also reverences his preserver as a father all through his life, and must treat him in.

personal flotation device (PFD; also referred to as a life jacket, life preserver, life belt, Mae West, life vest, life saver, cork jacket, buoyancy aid.

these early Chinese writers considered themselves not as creators, but as preservers of the record.

be the source of another; a flood that for its disastrous results and heartrending consequences has outrivaled the flood of his preserver, for the sparkling.

lifebelt, water wheely, ring buoy, lifering, lifesaver, life donut, life preserver, Perry buoy, or Kisbee ring.

action appropriate for the role of libraries as information providers and preservers in Australia.


salter, cook,


female, adult, worker,

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