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preserving Meaning in marathi ( preserving शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

निरीक्षण करणे, ताजे ठेवा, चालू ठेवा, जतन करा, सुरक्षित ठेव, निरोगी रहा, अखंड ठेवा, जतन करणे, राखणे,


जतन केलेले फळ, आचार,


निरीक्षण करणे, ताजे ठेवा, चालू ठेवा, जतन करा, सुरक्षित ठेव, निरोगी रहा, अखंड ठेवा, जतन करणे, राखणे,

preserving मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

लेनिन यांच्या मृत्युनंतर त्यांचा देह लाल चौकात जतन करावा अशी आग्रही भूमिका स्टालिनची होती.

पुढे, नोंदणी फॉर्मची एक प्रिंट आउट घ्या आणि भविष्यासाठी जतन करा.

किल्ल्यावरील व पायथ्यावरील ऐतिहासिक अवशेष हा आपल्या इतिहासाचा व संस्कृतीचा एक अनमोल ठेवा असून पर्यटकांनी, गिर्यारोहकांनी आणि अभ्यासुनी त्याचे योग्य ते जतन करावे.

त्याला आपले जुने संगीत नवीन पद्धतीने जतन करायचे आहे.

पहिल्या कादंबरीच्या घटना (बॅकस्टोरी पाहण्यासाठी) होण्याआधी जवळजवळ तीन शतकांपूर्वी, वेस्टरॉसच्या सात राज्ये एगॉन पहिला आणि त्याची बहिण विस्येया आणि राहेनी यांनी तारारिअन राजघराण्याखाली एकजुट केली होती, एगॉन टेरगॅरिन हा संपूर्ण खंडांचा पहिला राजा होता वेस्टर्नोसच्या दक्षिणेकडील डोर्नसाठी जतन करा.

क्रिप्ट (चर्चशी संबंधित धार्मिक संतांचे मृतदेह जतन करायचं तळघर) मध्ये त्यांनी आश्रय घेतला होता.

हे सॉफ्टवेअर(संचेतन) वापरताना एक विशेष महत्त्वाची सूचना अशी आहे कि डिझाईन स्पार्क पीसीबीच्या प्रोजेक्ट फाईल्स(म्हणजे तुम्ही काम करत असलेल्या प्रकल्पाचे दस्तऐवज) या Remote Network वर जतन करण्याऐवजी त्या स्थानिक संगणकावर (लोकल कंप्युटर अर्थात ज्या संगणकावर तुम्ही काम करत आहात) तेथेच जतन कराव्यात.

कसा जतन करावा शिल्पकलेचा अनमोल ठेवा?.

preserving's Usage Examples:

The grade of the land was raised with up to of landfill at the lowest points covering the cemetery, thus preserving the burials and the original grade level.

sparing your hand, preserving it from such strains as heaving stones, crowbars, and many other things which are bad for your hand, from giving them a.

In 1961, he showed that ribonuclease could be refolded after denaturation while preserving enzyme activity, thereby suggesting.

Fruit preserves are preparations of fruits whose main preserving agent is sugar and sometimes acid, often stored in glass jars and used as a condiment.

Much of her efforts went to preserving residential neighborhoods, open space and other quality of life elements, and her vision statement was Together, We Create a Community of Good Neighbors.

Often activated carbon is also included as it adsorbs some other gases and many organic molecules, further preserving products.

He invented AIV silage which improved milk production and a method of preserving butter, the AIV.

The markings themselves are formed from small pits, which aid in nucleation, allowing the gas within it to be released more easily, thus preserving the head.

art of film, his massive contributions in preserving its past and his unswerving faith in its future".

Her husband was a soldier in World War I and is best remembered for his tenure as Secretary of State for Air in the 1930s, preserving the Royal Air Force against cuts, and for his praise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

However, it seems clear that regulation, alone, is insufficient to preserving these valuable lands.

In 1948 the fortress town was incorporated into Jaroměř and today, both fortress and town, are part of a national conservation area preserving 18th-century military building techniques and classicist urbanism.

(…) In a free and just commonwealth, property rushes from the idle and imbecile, to the industrious, brave, and preserving (91).


continue, proceed, sustain, bear on, go along, carry on, perpetuate, keep up, keep, maintain, uphold, re-start, persist, prolong, hang in, go forward, restart, resume, hold, go on, hold on, mummify, persevere, hang on,


negate, stifle, behave, break, discontinue,

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