prenatally Meaning in marathi ( prenatally शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
जन्मपूर्व, जन्मापूर्वी, जन्मापूर्वीचा,
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prenatally मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
::अर्थ: हे अर्जुना, सर्व प्राणी जन्मापूर्वी अव्यक्त असतात आणि मेल्यानंतरही अव्यक्त होणार असतात.
त्यांच्या जन्मापूर्वी आईवडिलांनी अनुभवलेल्या अनेक अलौकिक घटना सांगितल्या जातात.
लग्न किंवा लग्नापासून अष्टम स्थानावर शुक्राची दृष्टी असेल किंवा उपपद व उपपदापासून अष्टम स्थानी शुक्राची दृष्टी असली तरीही जातकाच्या जन्मापूर्वी व जन्मानंतर राहणाऱ्या गर्भाचा नाश होतो.
चंगीझ खानाच्या जन्मापूर्वी येसुगेईने तेमुजीन उगे या तातार योद्ध्याला लढाईत ठार केले होते.
बुद्धाच्या जन्मापूर्वीपासूनच्या कथा यामध्ये समाविष्ट आहेत या कथांमधून सांस्कृतिक दुवे तसेच नीतिमूल्ये दिसून येतात.
prenatally's Usage Examples:
Furthermore, when prenatally injecting hen eggs with excess serotonin (5-HT), the hens later exhibited more FA at 18 weeks of age, but displayed less aggressive behaviours.
prenatally by medical ultrasonography, although one 1997 study of prenatal ultrasounds found that "of the normal placentas, 35% were graded as probably or definitely.
"Steroidal stimulation of mammary glands in prenatally feminized male rats".
components of the brain are interacting with each other constantly - even prenatally, when patterns of spontaneous firing of cells in the eyes (before they.
prenatally weighed 40% less than the control group at birth (intrauterine growth retardation).
Many patients are diagnosed prenatally due to fetal factors (increased nuchal fold, or abnormal levels of serum).
Although the vast majority of neurons in the mammalian brain are formed prenatally, parts of the adult brain (for example, the hippocampus) retain the ability.
Particularly in the striatum of the prenatally stressed male pups showed an.
been diagnosed with vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma had been exposed prenatally to DES.
The main problem in connection with a sSMC appears when the diagnosis of the presence of a sSMC is made prenatally.
Several factors can affect the presentation of trisomy X, including mosaicism, and severity is known to vary between prenatally and postnatally diagnosed.
karyotype by obvious symptoms, are generally more severe than those diagnosed prenatally.
Since the advent of the ultrasound, most ureteroceles are diagnosed prenatally.