prentices Meaning in marathi ( prentices शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
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prentices मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
सुरुवातीला नवशिक्यांनी सुरू केलेली ही नाट्य चळवळ थोड्याच काळात व्यावसायिक झाली.
मासिकातल्या ’कलमबहादुरांस शेलापागोटे’ नावाच्या सदरातून कृष्णाजी आठल्ये नवशिक्या लेखकांवर परखड टीका करीत.
नवशिक्यांकरिता इंग्लंडचा इतिहास (१९९२) : हे मिस आराबेला बर्कले यांच्या ग्रंथाचे भाषांतर.
आधुनिक नोटेशनमुळे तज्ज्ञांसाठी गणित सोयीचे, परंतु, नवशिक्यासाठी अधिक क्लिष्ट झाले आहे.
झिम्बाब्वेसारख्या नवशिक्या संघाने भारताची अवस्था ४ बाद ९ अशी करून टाकल्यावर मी मैदानात उतरलो अन् बघता बघता सामन्याचा रंग पालटला.
नवशिक्यांसाठी गणिताची भाषासुद्धा अंमळ क्लिष्टच आहे.
prentices's Usage Examples:
offers further education to 16- to 18-year-olds, higher education, apprenticeships, part-time adult learning and training for employers.
Lea and Isa attempted to find her by becoming apprentices to Ansem the Wise but this led to Lea's transition to Axel as he and Saïx, Isa's Nobody, were inducted into the Organization but remained true to their intentions of finding Subject X and regaining their humanity.
To facilitate expansion, he reorganized the Home RAF commands forming RAF Fighter Command, RAF Bomber Command and RAF Training Command from Air Defence of Great Britain, Inland Command, RAF Cranwell (RAF Cadet College), and RAF Halton (No 1 School of Technical Training (Apprentices)) and renaming Coastal Area as RAF Coastal Command .
Notre Dame promotes and supports all post-secondary pathways—university, college, apprenticeship, and workplace.
Historically, it has been used to pay for apprenticeships, typically when an apprentice agreed to work for free for a master.
Scrivener notaries are only appointed after a two-year apprenticeship to a practising scrivener notary and.
The Arkwright Engineering Scholarships support students through their A levels/Scottish Highers and encourage them to study engineering or a related area of design at a top university or through a high-quality industrial apprenticeship.
However, Vasari describes her as "faithless, jealous, and vixenish with the apprentices.
At 18, Phillips secured a day release bricklayers apprenticeship whilst employed with Wrekin Council"s construction department.
b) Initial vocational education and training in the labour market (under the regulation of the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity through the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training):- Apprenticeship system.
Boys cost perhaps half as much, though they were often maintained under some version of an apprenticeship arrangement, which could vary widely in details.
apprentice"s training: red straps are worn by new apprentices, whereas yellow straps are worn by senior apprentices at the end of their apprenticeship.
But these were unaccessible for many women, so apprenticeships continued to play an important role.
beginner, apprentice, learner, tiro, tyro, printer's devil, initiate, novice,
exclude, uninitiate, nonreligious person,