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operatives Meaning in marathi ( operatives शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



कार्यात्मक, सक्रिय, ताकदवान, कार्यरत, गाडी, प्रभावी, ऑपरेशनल, सक्तीने,

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operatives मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ह्या व्यतिरिक्त उमरगाम वलसाड मेमू (६९१५३) ह्या गाडीचे हे उगम स्थान आहे.

महिमानगडाच्या फाट्यापासून गडाचा पायथा असलेल्या वाडीपर्यंत गाडीमार्ग आहे.

मध्य रेल्वेद्वारे चालवली जाणारी ही गाडी मुंबईच्या लोकमान्य टिळक टर्मिनस ते गोरखपूरच्या गोरखपूर रेल्वे स्थानकांदरम्यान रोज धावते.

ही गाडी प्रामुख्याने बुंदेलखंड प्रदेशातून धावत असल्याने तिला बुंदेलखंड एक्सप्रेस असे नाव देण्यात आले आहे.

त्यासाठी बहुतेकदा कमी उंचीची, कठडा नसणारी लांब रुंद फलाट असणारी, व चाकाला टायर असणारी अशी गाडी वापरतात.

या गाडीला १ वातानुकुलीत प्रथम वर्ग आणि २ टियर, २ वातानुकुलीत २ टियर, ५ वातानुकुलीत ३ टायर, १ द्वितिय वर्गाचे शयनयान, २ साधारण डबे तसेच २ साधारण+सामानाचे डबे लावले जातात.

!valign"middle"| गाडी क्र.

कारण या खेळामध्ये एकाच वेळेस ५/७/९ अशा गाड्या सोडल्या जातात आणि जवळपास १२०० फूटाचे अंतर हे सर्वात पहिल्यांदा जी छकडी गाडी पार करेल, त्या बैलांना प्रथम क्रमांक दिला जात असे.

हि गाडी नंतरच्या कळत साईनगर शिर्डी रेल्वे स्तनाकापारेंत वाढवली गेली, तसेच तिचा एक हिस्सा पंढरपूर किव्हा विजापुर परेंत जातो.

रामटेक इतवारी मेमू गाडी.

ही गाडी सिकंदराबाद आणि गुंटुर दरम्यान विजयवाडा, वरंगळ, आणि काझीपेट मार्गे धावते.

भोपाळ जंक्शनवरुन रोज सकाळी ८ वाजता १८२३५ ही रेल्वे निघते आणि परतीची गाडी १७.

दक्षिण पश्चिम रेल्वेद्वारे चालवण्यात येणारी ही गाडी लोकमान्य टिळक टर्मिनस व हुबळी रेल्वे स्थानकांदरम्यान रोज धावते.

operatives's Usage Examples:

Abner Cabalquinto, Regional VIII Police Director, disclosed that the police operatives in Northern Samar confiscated 50 bags of ammonium nitrate in the town of San Antonio.

UsersUsed by 601st Special Forces GroupUsed by 9th Paratroopers Assault Regiment Col Moschin and Comando Raggruppamento Subacquei e Incursori Teseo TeseiUsed by GROM operatives.

"Possibly, the smartest thing about the picture is its consistent refusal to underrate the intelligence of the Gestapo and Rising Sun operatives.

Gaia manages to rescue Sam from Loki's operatives, but is unable to save her best friend Mary or her foster mother Ella from Loki's schemes; Mary is assassinated and Ella (a secret operative for Loki) sacrifices herself for Gaia.

However, in reality, Kelly's true purpose of keeping Genosha Bay was because it was the proving grounds in recruiting the next generation of ideal soldiers and government operatives.

The Knights Templar Cartel indoctrinates its operatives to "fight and die" for the cartel.

Although other co-operatives preceded them, the Rochdale Pioneers" co-operative became the prototype.

On November 25, 2005, four SSG operatives were wounded by an improvised explosive device (IED) during a reconnaissance mission in northern Afghanistan.

The Boston Globe stated: Dickstein ran a lucrative trade in illegal visas for Soviet operatives before brashly offering to spy for the NKVD, the KGB's precursor, in return for cash.

co-operatives, in contrast with tenants in a traditional landlord-and-tenant relationship, who can be assisted by various tenant advocacy groups.

Epstein married Ruth Beverly Wilson, whom he met while convalescing from his injuries, and both allegedly served as Soviet intelligence operatives.

Folboats were essential for training the prospective operatives, however only two; a one-man and a two-man were found to be suitable after a thorough search in Australia by Military personnel.

establishment, including slaughterhouses, food manufacturers, hotels, caterers, nursing homes, restaurants, butchers, groceries, or cooperatives.


operating, good, in effect, in force, in operation, effective, operant, working, operational,


subtract, ride, special agent, general agent, inoperative,

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