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operator Meaning in marathi ( operator शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

ऑपरेटर, चालक,


चालक, कारखाना मेकॅनिक, सर्जन, प्रभावी, ऑपरेटर, मेकॅनिक,

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operator मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मेहुणे आणि अन्य नातेवाईक संचालक असलेल्या व्हिक्टोरिया फूड प्रोसेसिंग कंपनीस एकूण ४९ कोटी रुपये कर्जासाठी जामीनदार.

संदर्भ भारतामध्ये पोलीस महासंचालक हा राज्याच्या पोलीस दलाचा प्रमुख असतो.

भारतातील कायदे शिखा शर्मा (जन्म १९ नोव्हेंबर १९५८) ह्या ॲक्सिस बँकेचे व्यवस्थापकीय संचालक व मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी आहेत, भारतातील तिसरी सर्वात मोठी खाजगी क्षेत्रातील बँक आहे.

सन २०१०पासून ते लोकसत्ताचे व्यवस्थापकीय संचालक आहेत.

झी मराठी सर्वोत्कृष्ट सूत्रसंचालक पुरुष पुरस्कार.

सदर बाबतीत संचालक दोषी आढळल्यास अशा फायद्याच्या र्क्मेइत्की रक्कम तो कंपनीला देय राहील.

टिकेकर पुढे सकाळ ग्रुप या वृत्तपत्र संघाचे संपादकीय संचालक झाले.

१९७५ - ८९ - टिळक महाराष्ट्र विद्यापीठाचे स्वीकृत संचालक.

ब्रिटीश ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनीच्या संचालकांनी त्यांना सिंहासन परत दिले.

इंजिन ड्रायव्हर, लोको पायलट, असिस्टंट ड्रायव्हर अशा अनेक हुद्यांवर काम करणाऱ्या सुरेखा यादव यांची अनेक वर्षांच्या अथक मेहनतीनंतर मोटरचालक म्हणून निवड झाली.

यानंतर या दोन्ही स्थळी सर जॉन मार्शल (पुरातत्त्वविभागाचे महासंचालक,इ.

२००४ ते २०१० दरम्यान रॉड्रिगेज पंजाबचे राज्यपाल व चंदिगढचे प्रचालक ह्या पदांवर होते.

operator's Usage Examples:

Invicta (Latin for "unvanquished") may refer to: Invicta (company), an Italian outdoor equipment manufacturer Invicta Bus Services, a bus operator in Melbourne.

It has been operating since June 1999, providing a news bulletin service for UK commercial radio stations operators across the UK and.

that the system be safe in the sense that no incorrect conclusion is derivable by using a specified subset F of the relational operators; and that it.

Uniquely, the operator offers to buy back unused data by means of a bill discount, a practice which isn"t widespread.

Examples of decomposable operators are those defined by scalar-valued (i.

exists a unitary operator that acts non-trivially on a ground state and commutes with the Hamiltonian of the system.

Friedman recounts many examples of companies based in India and China that, by providing labor ranging from that of typists and call center operators to accountants and computer programmers, have become integral parts of complex global supply chains; such companies are Dell, AOL, and Microsoft.

Though little improved as a political operator and unpopular within her party, Nicola is elected as leader of the opposition on a technicality before the start of Series 4, and is hounded throughout the series by calls for her to resign.

Operators : The Strategic Rocket Forces were to be the only operator of the R-26, but it was cancelled before entry into service.

system that enables an operator at the control to perform remote tasks dexterously with the feeling of existing in a surrogate robot working in a remote.

Wireless operators and radio technicians were also trained in Orly, although under the Department of Telecommunications and Signaling, which was not connected directly to the world of aviation.

page of code, in one afternoon, which then served as the model for J implementor, Roger Hui, and was responsible for suggesting the rank operators in.


identity element, single-valued function, mapping, mathematical function, map, linear operator, identity operator, identity, function,


difference, inutility, uselessness, functional, nondriver,

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