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open with Meaning in marathi ( open with शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

च्या ने उघडा, सुरु करूया, प्रारंभ करणे,

open with मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

हे बहुतेक सामान्यपणे बुस्ट्रोफेडोनिक पद्धतीने लिहिले जात होते: एका (आडव्या) दिशेने प्रारंभ करणे, नंतर ओळीच्या शेवटी व दिशा बदलणे.

1 शतकाच्या सिंधू व्हॅली सभ्यता च्या पर्शियन आणि ग्रीक संदर्भांसह प्रारंभ करणे, हिंदू या शब्दाचा अर्थ सिंधू नदी च्या आसपास किंवा त्यापलीकडे भारतीय उपखंडात राहणार्‍या लोकांसाठी भौगोलिक, वांशिक किंवा सांस्कृतिक अभिज्ञापक आहे.

open with's Usage Examples:

and berries and on insects, sea life, and other bird"s eggs, which they break open with rocks — the only tool use among shorebirds.

(particularly a presentation platter of deviled eggs), cut with a knife widthwise, cut lengthwise, cut with a knife or tapped open with a spoon at either.

She felt jealous that Jack found it easy to be open with Elliott about his sexuality when she did not feel she could be.

Muhammad Ali by Davis Miller open with statements admitting to some fictionalising of events but state they are true "in essence.

Commissioner Jerry Kurz says the Firecats have yet to apply, and team president Chris Vallozzi was quoted as calling AF1 an upstart league without the AFL's 20 years of prior history, also saying they'd keep all options open with all leagues.

During a stormy night, he tricks the guard dogs and other animals, as well as the hunter himself, and eventually helps the vixen escape by smashing the cage open with a loaded wagon.

An unreliable narrator was originally intended to feature in the narrative and the film was to open with a funeral scene.

A 2004 report stated that in some cases, in Belgium, homosexual personnel have been transferred from their unit if they have been too open with their sexuality.

open with the narrator making a plainly false or delusional claim or admitting to being severely mentally ill, or the story itself may have a frame in.

For instance, a story may open with the narrator making a plainly false or delusional claim or admitting to.

It is the first early opera not to open with a chorus nor to contain a concertato finale.

After defeat to eventual runners up, Sri Lanka, a game in which Bell scored 47, England dropped Ed Joyce from the top of the order and Bell was promoted to open with captain Michael Vaughan.


reopen, lever, jimmy, unbolt, uncork, pry, lance, prize, break open, gap, open up, breach, unlock, prise, unseal, click open, unbar,


seal, lock, bolt, cork, bar, close,

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