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open up Meaning in marathi ( open up शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शक्य करा, पूर्णपणे उघड करणे, पूर्णपणे उघडा, सोय करा, प्रकाशात आणले, पूर्ण उघडा, पूणर् बनले,

open up मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

परंतु आठ दिवसांमध्ये जास्त दिवस पाऊस पडला नाही तर पाण्याची सोय करावी.

बाई इंदिरा गांधींना भेटल्या व प्रत्येक तांड्याला पाण्याची सोय करा अशी त्यांनी विनंती केल्यावर प्रत्येक तांड्यावर दोन हापसे बसविले गेले.

कुणी काही करू नका आधी माझी सोय करा.

त्या पोकळीत सेंद्रिय पदार्थ टाकण्याची सोय करावी लागते, तसेच सेंद्रिय पदार्थांपासून तयार होणारा गॅस व खत बाहेर येण्याची व साठविण्याची सोय करावी लागते.

त्यासाठी पैसा जमवून निरनिराळ्या प्रांतीय भाषा शिकू इच्छिणाऱ्या विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी रवींद्रनाथ टागोर यांच्या शांतिनिकेतनाप्रमाणे काही सोय करावी, ही मनीषा त्यांनी महाराष्ट्र साहित्य संमेलनामध्ये याच ठरावावर बोलताना व्यक्त केली होती.

open up's Usage Examples:

Congress defined it to provide a highway system which, in conjunction with the Interstate System and other Federal-aid highways in the Appalachian region, will open up an area or areas where commerce and communication have been inhibited by lack of adequate access.

or clicked to open up an editor where the screenshot can be cropped or doodled on before being saved or shared.

After the tragic incident, the team rapidly began to fall apart, even as Monet began to open up and act more vulnerable around her teammates.

The linear park will open up onto the Thames Path in places.

Often these chosen individuals would have ʻAbdu'l-Bahá's authority to open up communications with those involved to try to persuade them to return.

Madame Bovary: "not Dupuytren, about to open up an abscess through a thick encephalic layer" (Part Two, Chapter 11).

witch hazel springs to life as an old witch, and several bottles of spirits of ammonia open up to release a trio of mischievous singing ghosts.

After the first sixty-five kilometers in a narrow valley through rugged terrain, the banks open up and form a fertile agricultural area which is densely populated.

efficient infrastructure, and open up new sectors for foreign capital.

Thompson turned to Colburn and Andreotta and told them that if the Americans began shooting at the villagers or him, they should fire their M60 machine guns at the Americans: Y'all cover me! If these bastards open up on me or these people, you open up on them.

The player will compete in races and minigames to earn Wumpa Coins, the park's currency, and Power Crystals, find the Power Gem needed to open up the five areas of the park, and ultimately unveil the mystery of the Power Gem thief's identity.

The drovers who covered very long distances to open up new country were known as "overlanders".

Attention has been brought to the fact that the final on most occasions unpractically is played before the last rounds of the league, which can open up for.


reopen, lever, jimmy, unbolt, uncork, pry, lance, prize, break open, gap, open up, breach, unlock, prise, unseal, click open, unbar,


seal, lock, bolt, cork, bar, close,

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