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onlookers Meaning in marathi ( onlookers शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

दर्शक, द्रष्टा, प्रेक्षक, ऑडिटर,


द्रष्टा, प्रेक्षक, ऑडिटर,

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only a little
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onlookers मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

द्रष्टा दुर्गस्थापत्यकार.

महाभारतातील व्यक्तिरेखा अगस्त्य महर्षी (नामभेद: अगस्त्य, मैत्रावरुणी, अगस्ति;) हे वेद वाङ्‌मयामध्ये वर्णिलेले ‘मंत्रद्रष्टा महर्षी’ होत.

लोकोत्तरद्रष्टा सावरकर भाग २ (हिंदी साहित्य सदन नवी दिल्ली).

दूरद्रष्टा नरेन्द्र मोदी (पंकज कुमार) (हिंदी).

लग्नासाठी भट वेद्द्रष्टा!.

अयमेव हि ते बन्धो द्रष्टारं पश्यसीतरम् ||१- ७||.

हा लोकद्रष्टा नेता आयुष्यभर संघर्षाचे कडू घोट पचवत जनसामान्यांचे जीवनमान उंचावण्यासाठीच जगला.

सामाजिक, राजकीय आणि सांस्कृतिक क्षेत्रांमध्ये योगदान देणारा, कधीही समोर न येऊ दिलेल्या किंवा विरून गेलेल्या घटना, व्यक्ती, इतिहास इत्यादींचा शोध घेऊन, त्यावर संशोधन करून त्या प्रक्रियेतून सापडलेलं सत्य नाटकांतून मांडणारा द्रष्टा नाटककार म्हणजे रामू रामनाथन!.

उ)काव्यविषयक कविता :- १) द्रष्टा कवी, २) खुळे काव्य.

ते शिक्षाशास्त्री, राजतंत्र मर्मज्ञ, अर्थशास्त्री, शस्त्रविद्या विशारद, आयुर्वेद विशारद, विधि वेत्ता, अभियांत्रिकी विशेषज्ञ, विज्ञान व्यक्ता व मंत्रद्रष्टा होते.

(द्रष्टा द्रष्टारौ द्रष्टार:).

युगद्रष्टा महाराज (ऐतिहासिक चरित्रात्मक कादंबरी).

onlookers's Usage Examples:

Blood poured from the wounds, however - according to Josef Hanauer's book The Swindle of Konnersreuth - onlookers did not actually see the bleeding in action, only the blood itself.

popular venue at night with open-air cafés that serve local cuisine while onlookers may watch the Manila sunset.

car"s abilities in qualifying, a sixth place on the grid for Montreal surprising many onlookers.

Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628 looked to the Mecca Arabs, interested onlookers who were still unaware that within a single generation they themselves.

During the war, Rawlins frequently scolded Grant for perceived derelictions with an impunity that often surprised onlookers.

ABC model, the colony consists of three groups of bees: employed bees, onlookers and scouts.

allowed due to rabbinic enactments that were put in place to prevent onlookers from arriving at a false conclusion.

southern right whales may provide onlookers chances to witness them cavorting close to shores.

in qualifying, a sixth place on the grid for Montreal surprising many onlookers.

in the game, and the remarkable precision shown by both players brought gasps of amazement from the huge crowd of onlookers.

At the reception, the Queen was quoted as saying:After the luncheon, the procession continued down The Mall to Buckingham Palace, where an estimated one million people lined the pavements to see the family wave to onlookers.

The sight of the floating bridge caused a stir among onlookers all along the Hudson.

Statue onlookers will see engraved on its mounted plaque:Nine time capsule boxes were placed in the base of the massive Bulldog statue early in 2004.


looker, looker-on, spectator, witness, viewer, watcher,


man, expert witness, lay witness,

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