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only too Meaning in marathi ( only too शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

फक्त खूप, शेवटी, अत्यंत, खूप, एकदम,


शेवटी, अत्यंत, खूप, एकदम,

only too मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ही कला आदिवासींच्या जीवनशैलीच्या विविध पैलूंवर प्रकाश टाकणारी चित्रकला असून या चित्रकलेला भारतात तसेच परदेशात खूप मागाणी आहे.

अनेक पश्चिमवाहिनी नद्या ह्या खूप उतारावरून वाहत असल्यामुळे जलविद्युत प्रकल्पांसाठी खूप उपयुक्त आहेत.

आयुष्य हे खूप सुंदर आहे आणि प्रत्येक क्षण आनंदात घालवता आला पाहिजे असा संदेश देणारा 'वेलकम टू जिंदगी' हा चित्रपट आहे.

खूप विरळ असल्यास त्यांचे अस्तित्व बऱ्याचदा लक्षात येत नाही.

योगाचे आपल्या आयुष्यात खूपच महत्त्व आहे.

त्यांतल्या ’टुरटूर’ला पुढे खूप प्रसिद्धी मिळाली, आणि त्यामुळे मुलांच्या या गटालाही.

मराठवाडा साहित्य परिषद, अखिल भारतीय साहित्य महामंडळ आणि महाराष्ट्र राज्य साहित्य संस्कृती मंडळावर गोमांनी खूप काम केले.

या लोकप्रिय गाण्यातला अभिनेत्री नीरू बाजवाचा डान्सही खूप लोकप्रिय झाला.

त्या खूप प्रेमळ होत्या.

तसेच रेडिओ किंवा दुूरदर्शनचा संच बाहेरून बघितला तर खूपच सुबक आणि आकर्षक तारांच्या दिसतो.

सलमान खान आणि माधुरी दीक्षित यांची भूमिका असलेला हा चित्रपट खूप गाजला.

देवासमधील महाराष्ट्र समाजाची नाट्य शाखा ही खूप ॲक्टिव आहे.

"खूप", "प्रचंड", "त्रिकाळी", अशा तर्हांची अतिरेकी विशेषणे/क्रियाविशेषणे वापरणे.

only too's Usage Examples:

However, he constantly refused to transfer ashore, stating An admiral is only too glad when he can die under the flag of his ship.

and berries and on insects, sea life, and other bird"s eggs, which they break open with rocks — the only tool use among shorebirds.

The cantonal contingents only took orders from their own leaders.

Montgomery only took on the nickname Lizzie following her performance in the Emmy Award winning TV movie, The Legend of Lizzie Borden; Dizzy was a shortened version of Dizabeth, which is how her sister managed to pronounce her name when they were young.

the visibility of the Cornish Flag as one of his reasons "Devonians are only too aware of the ubiquitous Cornish Flag, which can often be seen in the form.

Many were only too happy to accept this outrage, saying "Blessed be the Lord that we have.

For some reason the actual moment of transferral of the deeds only took place fifteen years later in 1596, and the Catholic.

He only took part in one World Championships, in 1978.

This major task only took 14 hours.

Despite winning the first set in his first round match against Robert Thornton at the World Grand Prix, he only took one more leg and lost 1–2.

National Ice Hockey League (ENL) side from the rink, then they would be only too happy to assist in any way they could (citation to follow).

attribution is that when the phrase first appeared, Marie Antoinette was not only too young to have said it, but living outside France as well.

rough young sea-dog, who intends to marry whom he chooses; Miss Prue, only too ready to learn the lessons in love given her by Tattle, the vain, half-witted.


all too,


careless, carelessness, negligent,

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