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on the way Meaning in marathi ( on the way शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)





on the way मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या बंदरावर येणारा विदेशी माल या मार्गाने ने-आण करीत असताना रात्र झाली तर अनेक व्यापारी सुरक्षिततेसाठी वाटेत लागणाऱ्या गावांमध्येच मुक्‍काम करीत.

शक्ती अजयचे मार्ग बदलण्यात मदत करण्यासाठी खूप प्रयत्न करतो, पण अजयचा हट्टी स्वभाव वाटेत येतो.

वाटेत कुणा भक्ताची समाधी देखील नजरेस पडते.

वाटेत सुट-बूट घातलेला माणूस त्यांच्या सरळ पायी पडला आणि त्याने नम्रतेने विचारले 'महाराज,आपण कोठे राहता?'.

वाटेत कुंभे शिवथर, कसबे शिवथर, अंबे शिवथर ही गावे लागतात.

मंदिराकडे जाताना तीन तळी वाटेत लागतात.

वाटेत रिसोड – मांगवाडी ह्या भागातून जाताना त्याला तहान लागली.

कालिकादेवीची पालखी ज्यावेळी कशेळीकडे कनकादित्य मंदिराकडे जात असते त्यावेळी वाटेत जाखादेवीचे मंदिर लागते.

या टेकाडावर चढून जातांना वाटेतच हनुमानाची भग्न दगडी मूर्ती आहे.

वाटेत एक सातवाहनकालीन कोरड टाक लागत.

ही वाट अतिशय खडतर असून वाटेत भलेमोठे दगड आहेत नळीची वाट चढण्यासाठी सोबत दोर असणे आवश्यक आहे.

वाटेतील भाटय़े खाडीवरील पूल ओलांडल्यावर भाटय़े गाव लागते.

वाटेत एका धर्मशाळेत थांबला.

on the way's Usage Examples:

Emergency services connectionDespite the frequent traffic jams on Cleveland Bridge, Bath's only fire and ambulance stations are located next to it and the drivers of emergency vehicles are assertive in expressing their need to cross on the way to respond to an emergency call.

The rock was encountered by the Curiosity rover on the way from Bradbury Landing to Glenelg Intrigue.

was he died within the year, in consequence, it was supposed, of his slighting the dwarf"s admonition, and continuing his sport on the way home.

Hecla-Grindstone Provincial Park and many people from Winnipeg stop in or pass by the community on the way to cottage country each summer.

When the car breaks down on the way, Babu kills his another victim, a traveler (Snehal Dabi) attracted to Lakshmi, and elopes in.

Other changesOther consonant changes on the way from West Germanic to Old High German are included under the heading High German consonant shift by some scholars who see the term as a description of the whole context, but are excluded by others who use it to describe the neatness of the threefold chain shift.

The patch was encountered by the Curiosity rover on the way from Bradbury Landing to Glenelg Intrigue on September 28, 2012.

The Thebans were so angry that they sent fifty men, led by Maeon, the son of Haemon, and Polyphontes, Autophonus' son, to ambush Tyedeus on the way back to his army.

Then begins the Cornet's Walk around the town with his supporters stopping on the way to tie his ribbons on the 1514 Memorial.

He died on June 17, 2005 in Cooperstown, New York, at the age of 96, on the way to the hospital.

But as both matches were locked in stalemates and time was ebbing out, EB/Streymur were on the way to winning the title.

Then she went to the restroom and, on the way, she saw Princess Lee Radziwill whom she described as the: classy lady that no one knows where she's the princess of.

At the Hum train station, on the way to Sarajevo, gendarmes searched the train; fearing they were on to him, he threw the knife out the window.


en route,


isotropy, anisotropy, misconception, unmuzzle, defuse,

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