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onagers Meaning in marathi ( onagers शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

याला एशियाटिक जंगली गाढव असेही म्हणतात, जवळच धोक्यात आलेली जंगली गाढवे, आयकस हेमिओनस, नैऋत्य आशियामध्ये राहतात आणि मध्य पूर्व आणि पूर्व आशियाद्वारे पूर्वेला देखील वितरित केले जातात, ओनेझर हा सर्वात वेगवान सस्तन प्राण्यांपैकी एक आहे, धावण्यास सक्षम आणि कधीकधी 40 मैल (64 किमी) प्रति तास, आणि, बहुतेक गाढवे आणि घोडे विपरीत, हे कधीही पाळीव केले गेले नाही, ,

onagers's Usage Examples:

Pallas cats will be featured in a side exhibit while herds of Asian wild horses, camels, onagers and gazelles roam on a field behind the cats.

Between 100 and 300 AD, every Roman legion had a battery of ten onagers and 55 cheiroballistae hauled by teams of mules.

The onager was first mentioned in AD 353 by Ammianus Marcellinus, who described onagers as the same as a scorpion.

stilt-legged horses might be approximated by the morphologically similar onagers, kiangs, and asses.

Ussuri dholes also hunt elephant calves and may also feed on onagers and kiangs.

siege engines such as ballistas, scorpions and onagers were not unique.

subpecie), two panthers, seven hyaenas, fifteen zebras, three wild asses (onagers), two greater kudu, eleven lesser kudus, eight hartebeest, twenty five.

It was known, like other onagers, to be untameable, and was compared to a thoroughbred horse for its beauty.

These measures, along with the fire from ballistas and onagers mounted on the city walls, frustrated the Romans and forced.

Wild animals that appeared in their territories include onagers, gazelles and saiga antilope.

century, Guillaume Henri Dufour adjusted this framework by arguing that onagers went out of use in medieval times, but were directly replaced by the counterweight.

empire, were fought with the preparatory bombardment from ballistas and onagers.

Some of the species include Arabian oryx, Somali ostriches, Persian onagers (an Asian wild ass from Iran) and gazelles.


chigetai, Equus hemionus hemionus, Equus hemionus, dziggetai, wild ass,

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