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on one's own Meaning in marathi ( on one's own शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

स्वतःहून, स्वतंत्रपणे, आपोआप, कोणीतरी मदत करा, एकटा, मदतीशिवाय,

on one's own मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ते एकटा किवा जोडीने आढळतात.

एकटा व्यक्ती सामाजिक समूह निर्माण करू शकत नाही.

जीव एकटा एकटा (पोवाडा).

एकटा माऊली (प्रिन्स) गाव कसा वाचवतो आणि नानाचा सूड घेतो ही बाकीची कहाणी आहे.

कर्कश आवाजात शीळ घालीत जंगलाच्या टापूवर एकटा किंवा जोडीने आढळून येतात.

माणूस कधीही एकटा नसतो.

अंधेरी उड्डाण पुलाच्या अलीकडे एक प्रचंड ‘राजजम्बू’ आपल्या झुलत्या फांद्या मिरवत एकटाच उभा आहे.

सातव्या दिवशीं शिवाजी करी तयारीला । एकटा पुढें आपण झाला ॥.

तांबट पक्षी शक्यतो एकटा किंवा जोडीने आढळतो.

सांगायचा मुद्दा असा की 'एकटा जीव सदाशिव' असण्यापेक्षा 'समूह' म्हणून लोकांच्या समोर गेले, तर बरेच फायदे होतात.

जपानी भाषेत भाषेत सुडोकूचा अर्थ आहे "एकटा अंक".

अनेक कौरवांना तो एकटाच भारी पडे.

हा एकटा किंवा जोडीने राहणे पसंत करतो.

on one's own's Usage Examples:

because while in cricket, scoring runs is almost entirely dependent on one"s own batting skill, in baseball it is largely dependent on having other good.

purpose is a combination of arousing aggression and esprit de corps on one"s own side and causing intimidation on the hostile side.

The movement is the tracing of the shape of a cross in the air or on one"s own body, echoing the traditional shape of the cross of the Christian crucifixion.

solution[buzzword], or as a virtual machine package (KVM) that can be run on one"s own infrastructure.

than a simple braid because of its greater complexity; when performed on one"s own hair, it also requires a more prolonged elevation of the hands above.

metaphysical knowledge as an agent for forcing reevaluation of perspective on one"s own life.

cognitive bias of recognizing the impact of biases on the judgment of others, while failing to see the impact of biases on one"s own judgment.

Any vehicle can be driven on one"s own land (or another person"s, with the owner"s permission) without a licence.

Accidental fire not intended to attack the enemy, and deliberate firing on one"s own troops for disciplinary reasons, is not called friendly fire, and neither.

one"s body in a shimmy style and passing a hand through or near the hair on one"s own head.

oneself" or "on behalf of themselves", which in modern law means to argue on one"s own behalf in a legal proceeding as a defendant or plaintiff in civil cases.

Discretion has the meaning of acting on one"s own authority and judgment.

A shipmate is a mate on one"s own ship (i.


on-the-scene, on-site,



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