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on principle Meaning in marathi ( on principle शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

तत्त्वावर, तत्त्वतः,

on principle मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

आदर्श परावर्तक पृष्ठावर पडलेला प्रकाश पूर्णपणे परावर्तित केला जातो असे मानतात त्यामुळे त्याचा प्रतिक्षेप तत्त्वतः १ (किंवा १००%) असतो.

त्यापासून तत्त्वतः, तत्त्वतां खरोखर हा शब्द बनला.

व्यावहारिक गणितात आपल्याला प्रचंड वाटणाऱ्या N या संख्येपेक्षा जी संख्या खूप मोठी असेल, तिला तत्त्वतः ’अनंत’ म्हणता येते.

तत्त्वतः न्यूटनचे नियम हे फक्त जडत्वीय संदर्भचौकटीतच वैध आहेत.

पुरुषप्रधानतेला विरोध करणारे आणि स्त्रीचे माणूस म्हणून चित्रण करणारे साहित्य, मग ते पुरुषाने लिहिले असले तरी स्त्रीवादी ठरेल कारण तत्त्वतः स्त्रीवादी जाणीव स्त्री व पुरुष दोघांमध्येही विकसित होऊ शकते परंतु पुरुषी वर्चस्वाचा अनुभव बाई होऊन घेणे स्त्रीला अधिक समर्थपणे करता येते, असेही मानले जाते.

जी तत्त्वतः दूर अंतरापर्यंत खुला संचार होऊ देते, अशी पृथ्वीच्या चुंबकीय क्षेत्राची एक संपत्ती आहे.

निरुद्देश आविष्कार सृष्टीच्या व्यवहारात तत्त्वतः नामंजूर आहे:.

on principle's Usage Examples:

exclusion principle, and the nuclear force may bind them (in this case, into a deuteron), since the nuclear force is much stronger for spin-aligned particles.

Standing firm on principle, Bache and his five subordinate officers were arrested.

The superposition principle says that eigenmodes of linear systems are independent of each.

RecipientsRefusalsOn 28 January 2008, New Zealand anti-apartheid activist John Minto created a controversy over his letter to former South African President Thabo Mbeki after being nominated for the award, saying that he would refuse, on principle, to accept any award from the ANC.

Russell"s paradox shows that every set theory that contains an unrestricted comprehension principle leads to contradictions.

For example, the Kyiv TV Tower and the Saint Petersburg TV Tower follow this construction principle.

Fortescue"s theorem (symmetrical components) is based on superposition principle, so it is applicable to linear power systems only, or to linear.

In 1928, Jordan and Eugene Wigner found that the quantum field describing electrons, or other fermions, had to be expanded using anti-commuting creation and annihilation operators due to the Pauli exclusion principle (see Jordan–Wigner transformation).

Heusaff took part in Irish language campaigns such as Cearta Sibhialta na Gaeltachta and was the first person to refuse, on principle, to pay a television licence because of Raidió Teilifís Éireann's (RTÉ) neglect of Irish language programmes.

control theory applies to systems made of devices which obey the superposition principle.

competitive exclusion principle holds for inter-species competition in the chemostat.

night-watchman state or minarchy is a model of a state that is limited and minimal, whose only functions are to act as an enforcer of the non-aggression principle.

Rξ gaugesThe Rξ gauges are a generalization of the Lorenz gauge applicable to theories expressed in terms of an action principle with Lagrangian density \mathcal{L}.


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