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mournfully Meaning in marathi ( mournfully शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शोकपूर्वक, दुःखाने, शोकात,



mournfully मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

शक्यतो आनंदाने हुरळुन जाऊ नये,दुःखाने खच्चुन जाऊ नये दुःखा नंतर सुख व सुखा नंतर दुःख हे चालुच असते.

त्या दुःखाने तो गडबडा लोळू लागला व मोठमोठ्याने रडून पिशाच्चासारखा चौफेर फिरू लागला.

या युद्धामध्ये झालेल्या आपल्या पुत्रांच्या संहाराने गांधारी दुःखाने वेडीपिशी बनली.

कथेच्या इतर आवृत्त्यांमध्ये असे सांगितले आहे की: युधिष्ठिर जेव्हा त्याच्या शब्दांचा शेवटचा भाग बोलला तेव्हा तो पुरेसे जोरात नव्हता किंवा द्रोण दुःखाने युधिष्ठिराच्या विधानाच्या उत्तरार्धात प्रक्रिया करू शकला नाही.

ओंकारने स्वीटूला प्रपोज केले आणि नलूचे शब्द आणि तिचे वचन लक्षात ठेवून तिने दुःखाने प्रस्ताव नाकारला.

भारत देशावर होणारी आक्रमणे आणि त्यामुळे देशाचे होणारे नुकसान अधोरेखित करताना काही चित्रकार दुःखाने रडणारी स्त्री म्हणून भारतमाता चित्रित करतात.

दुःखाने व्यथित सुधा त्यांच्या प्रेमाने भारावून जाते आणि कमला असे नाव घेऊन त्यांच्यासह मंदिरात रहायचे ठरवते .

तीही अ‍ॅनीच्या दुःखाने खचली व मरण पावली.

या सगळ्या प्रसंगाने मानसिक दुःखाने व्यथित स्वामीजी आश्रम सोडून निघून जातात.

दुसऱ्याच्या दुःखाने दुःखी होणारा हा माणूस.

mournfully's Usage Examples:

Eventually he coughs and falls silent, and a lone ham radio operator is heard mournfully calling "Is there anyone on the air? Isn"t there.

Distraught, Orpheus played and sang so mournfully that all the nymphs and deities wept and told him to travel to the Underworld.

She rests one arm on a branch of the tree as she looks mournfully and enigmatically out towards the far distance, perhaps looking towards an uncertain future.

crowd was mainly decorous, shortly after 9 o" clock the death bell was mournfully heard in the air and the fatal procession emerged from the condemned cell.

"Elegantly coiffured, clad in evening dress, mournfully contemplating the middle distance with.

Caravaggio is shown painting Lena after she dies and mournfully writhing with her body.

The four cannons echoed each other mournfully.

The famous "gitana" singer La Caita sings mournfully of the centuries of persecution, repeatedly imploring "Why does your mouth.

She rests one arm on a branch of the tree as she looks mournfully and enigmatically out towards the far distance, perhaps looking towards.

Studio portrait of Stanislavski (right) as Trigorin—"elegantly coiffured, clad in evening dress, mournfully contemplating the middle distance with pencil.

The man – her lover – looks mournfully over a wall at the woman, grasping her right hand and arm, but she rejects.

He mournfully examines his deformed hands and features; as the officers enter and examine the mausoleum he crashes through the wall with his motorbike and he accidentally knocks down a police officer (whose shotgun goes off) and causes one of the chandeliers on the ceiling to fall and kill the officer.

may get belief, I know not; but such they aver is the truth, while they mournfully lament the sad affair.

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