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mourning Meaning in marathi ( mourning शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शोक किंवा शोक,



mourning मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

माणूस - आकांत करणे, आक्रोश करणे, टाहो फोडणे, मुसमुसणे, रडणे, रुदन, विलाप, स्फुंदणे,.

इंग्रजी विलापकाव्यावरून स्फूर्ती घेऊन मोगरे यांनी विष्णुशास्त्री पंडित, विष्णुशास्त्री चिपळूणकर, आनंदीबाई जोशी, भाऊराव कोल्हटकर, व्हिक्टोरिया राणी, दयानंद सरस्वती, तुकोजीराव होळकर, जियाजीराव शिंदे, सनदी अधिकारी रिपन व सर जेम्स फर्गसन अशा अनेक सुप्रसिद्ध महान व्यक्तींवर विलापिका लिहिल्या आहेत.

अश्विन : एक विलापिका.

रामायण आणि त्याचे नंतरचे रूपांतर ताराच्या विलापावर जोर देते.

रहाळकरांच्या कवितांमध्ये माझी आई आणि माझ्या आईची तसबीर' ही विलापिका गाजली.

) सणाच्या गुंडाळ्या - गीतरत्न, रुथ, विलापगीत, उपदेशक, एस्तेर - एकूण ५ गुंडाळ्या.

(तुरुंगाच्या दारात/यशोधन) "तुटलेल्या तारा' या विलापिकेत राष्ट्रीय भावनांचे दर्शन घडते.

शेवटी, युधिष्ठिराने मृत कौरवांच्या अधिपतीला मृत्यूशय्येवर सोडण्यापूर्वी दुर्योधनाचे अंतिम संभाषण आणि विलाप ऐकले.

) सणाच्या गुंडाळ्या - गीतरत्न, रुथ, विलापगीत, उपदेशक, एस्तेर - एकूण ५ गुंडाळ्या.

निबंधकार चिपळूणकर यांच्या निधनानंतर हरीभाऊ आपट्यांनी शिष्यजनविलाप ही ८८ श्लोकांची विलापिका लिहिली होती.

विलापकाव्ये, उपहासकाव्ये, कथाकाव्ये व स्फुटकाव्ये असे यांच्या काव्यरचनेचे स्वरूप आहे.

यामुळे पीडित व्यक्तीच्या दु: खाच्या रडण्यांचे ऐकणे, एक विलाप आवाज तयार करते.

mourning's Usage Examples:

Neither idealizing the Russian peasantry, nor mourning its faults (both tendencies were common in Russian literature of the time), the author was critical of the Emancipation reform of 1861 which gave freedom to serfs.

food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species, such as the mourning cloak butterfly.

A mourning poffer costed 15 guilders.

adherents of the doctrine of free will [RHU] Also written Qadariya [RHU] qaddish In Judaism, a prayer of mourning [C] More commonly written Kaddish Hebrew.

Anthony O"Hear identified the mourning as a defining point in the "sentimentalisation of Britain", a media-fuelled phenomenon where image and reality become.

Stella is mourning the death of her young son, killed while riding his bike on public roads for the first time.

including deer, raccoons, squirrels, meadowlarks, sedge wrens, pheasants, bobolinks, wild turkeys, thrashers, and mourning doves.

She arrived for the celebrations on 18 February 2002, nine days following the death of her sister, Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon; the Queen established a short period of private, though not state, mourning.

Beijing in May 2020, but it is claimed by law experts that gatherings and mournings alone would not constitute a breach of the law.

, Namibia declared a period of mourning for three days Uruguay, Vietnam, Angola decreed one day of national mourning; Trinidad and Tobago decreed that the national flag be flown at half-mast for one day; while Haiti decreed three days of mourning; and Dominica declared national mourning for Castro.

It is a larval host to the gray hairstreak, mourning cloak, pale tiger swallowtail, and western tiger swallowtail.

"Do not enter the house of mourning, nor go to lament or bemoan them; for I have taken away My peace from this people", says the Lord.

In Western culture, a black armband signifies that the wearer is in mourning or wishes to identify with the commemoration of a family friend, comrade.


sorrowful, grieving, sorrowing, grief-stricken, bereaved, bereft,


assembly, happy, joyous, loved, joyful,

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