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military plane Meaning in marathi ( military plane शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

लष्करी विमान


लष्करी विमान,

military plane's Usage Examples:

With United States funding the Afghan government had also acquired transport helicopters and a number of Ukrainian military planes.

"Burmese military plane vanishes".

diplomatic crisis was caused by the temporary seizure of materials from a US military plane, followed by claims that the US may have been trying to smuggle weapons.

"At least 35 people killed in Syrian military plane crash".

"Ukraine crisis: rebels shoot down military plane.

"Russian military plane crashes in Black Sea near Sochi".

"Russian military plane with 91 on board crashes over Black Sea".

in the intercepted dispatch was "We have just downed an Azerbaijani military plane".

"UPDATE 2-Kazakh military plane crashes, all 27.

down military plane, spokesman says 49 dead".

"Wreckage of missing Myanmar military plane found".

"At least 105 killed in military plane crash in Algeria.

See also Maxwell–Boltzmann statisticsStatistical mechanics Benjamin Delahauf Foulois (December 9, 1879 – April 25, 1967) was a United States Army general who learned to fly the first military planes purchased from the Wright Brothers.


bomber, military vehicle, attack aircraft, fighter aircraft, reconnaissance plane, fighter, heavier-than-air craft, warplane,


unmilitary, attract, repulsion, attraction, centrifugal force,

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