military recruit Meaning in marathi ( military recruit शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
लष्करी भरती
सैन्य भरती,
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military recruit's Usage Examples:
military recruit who has a felony on their record Forfeiture and waiver, concepts used.
20th-century attempts to reduce use of profanity during United States military recruit training increased reliance on imaginative verbal descriptions of violence.
Children are easy targets for military recruitment due to their greater susceptibility to influence compared to adults.
military recruits should receive routine vaccinations while in service in endemic disease areas Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2005).
Once the Imperial regime was established, heavy taxes and provision of military recruits were added to the obligations of the serfs.
The new Protocols prohibited the military recruitment of children aged under 15 and their direct participation in hostilities, but continued to allow state armed forces and non-state armed groups to recruit children from age 15 and use them in warfare.
if they refuse to give military recruiters access to school resources.
While the large majority of states negotiating the protocol were willing to end all military recruitment of children under the age of 18 (the so-called straight-18 principle), a small number were opposed: Bangladesh, Cuba, Israel, South Korea, Kuwait, Pakistan, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US).
League 2007–08 season began slowly, with Koponen trying to adapt to the military recruit training.
around 1730, Corolère is believed to have come to New France as a military recruit.
See alsoRally SquirrelRat TrickReferencesAnaheim AngelsCapuchin monkeysLos Angeles AngelsLos Angeles Angels of AnaheimMajor League Baseball team mascotsPrimate mascots2000 introductions Garrison schools (гарнизо́нные шко́лы) in 18th century Russia were military schools that provided the primary education for the children of the military recruits.
During her deanship, Kagan upheld a decades-old policy barring military recruiters from the Office of Career Services because she felt the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy discriminated against gays and lesbians.
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