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metaphor Meaning in marathi ( metaphor शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

रूपक सादृश्य, रूपक,


वक्तृत्व, रूपक,

metaphor मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

यातील चर्चेच्या ओघात आलेल्या रूपके, कहाण्या, दृष्टांत यामुळे रुक्ष विषय सहज आकलनाचा होऊ शकतो.

तसेच नाटक हा दहा रूपकांपैकी एक प्रकार आहे .

उपमेय आणि उपमान यांत एकरूपता आहे असे वर्णन असते तेथे रूपक अलंकार होतो.

1992 त्याच्या पहिल्या शिल्पकला प्रदर्शन ला Metafora della Montagna मिलान Palazzo देई Normanni (डोंगराच्या रूपकाच्या) त्याऐवजी घडली होती.

दादरा, रूपक, केरवा, पुश्तो हे ताल बहुधा वापरले जातात.

आबान मिस्त्रींचे लयीवरील प्रभुत्व वाखाणण्याजोगे असल्यामुळे त्यांनी तीनतालाव्यतिरिक्त झपताल, रूपक, पंचम सवारी इत्यादी तालांतही समर्थपणे वादन केले.

या "नेट-वुमन" मध्ये एक स्त्री पुरुषांना तिच्या आकर्षणाच्या रूपकात्मक जाळ्यात पकडणारी लाक्षणिक कल्पना समाविष्ट करते.

बालकथासंग्रह, बालनाटके, ललितबंध कादंबऱ्या, रूपककथा संग्रह, लघुकथा संग्रह, नाटके, एकांकिका, लेखसंग्रह, हास्यकथा अशी एकूण सुमारे शंभरहून अधिक पुस्तके त्यांनी लिहिली आहेत.

मयेकर यांची मा अस साबरीन, अथ मनुस जगन हं, आद्यंत इतिहास असल्या कल्पनारम्य रूपकात्मक नाटके राज्य नाट्य स्पर्धांमध्ये प्रसिद्ध झाली.

सप्तताल - ध्रुवो मठ्यो रूपकश्च झम्पा त्रिपुट एवच | अटतालस्य एकतालो सप्ततालात् प्रकीर्तित ||.

हे दृष्य जीवनाचे रूपक मानले जाते.

metaphor's Usage Examples:

He identifies three parts to parables or similitudes (extended similes or metaphors): the picture part (Bildhälfte), the reality.

The regularity with which different languages employ the same metaphors, often perceptually based, has led to the hypothesis that the mapping.

superlatively fresh metaphor for a middle-age crisis: It took cancer and lawbreaking to jolt Walt out of his suburban stupor, to experience life again—to.

Specifically, the concept of dramaturgy ideates life as a metaphorical theater, differentiating from Burke"s concept of.

Peggy McIntosh, one of the first feminist scholars to examine male privilege, wrote about both male privilege and white privilege, using the metaphor of the invisible knapsack to describe a set of advantages borne, often unaware and unacknowledged, by members of privileged groups.

because they are more subtle figures of speech, synecdoches, metaphors, or hyperboles (like cat and mouse, sick and tired, barefoot and pregnant, rags to riches).

He reportedly converted a pagan philosopher to Christianity by using a potsherd to illustrate how one single entity (a piece of pottery) could be composed of three unique entities (fire, water and clay); a metaphor for the Christian doctrine of the Trinity.

Something that is a "pipe dream" is a metaphorical reference to an unattainable or fanciful hope or scheme.

In its original formulation as a proverb and metaphor for credulity with roots in fable, this refers to the perception.

With Brazil modernizing in the global economy, third-phase Cinema Novo also became more polished and professional, producing films in which the rich cultural texture of Brazil has been pushed to the limit and exploited for its own aesthetic ends rather than for its appropriateness as political metaphor.

In particular, the scientific community metaphor is being used in client cloud computing.

and is marked by extravagant metaphors, skillful use of rhetoric and unashamed eroticism.

He struggled through Wittgenstein and Kant to a passable understanding of each, being strongly influenced by Kant's concepts of analysis and synthesis in thought, and saw their role in metaphors of objectivity, causality, and the self.


trope, figure, dead metaphor, figure of speech, synesthetic metaphor, mixed metaphor, image, frozen metaphor,


divide, multiply, add, differentiate, integrate,

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