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metaplasm Meaning in marathi ( metaplasm शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




metaplasm's Usage Examples:

period; and the other, Ars de Barbarismis et Metaplasmis, on barbarisms and metaplasm.

may influence the pronunciation of a second language, including various metaplasms.

Second languagePhonetic rules of a native language may influence the pronunciation of a second language, including various metaplasms.

Hofmeister, 1867), Grundsubstanz (ground substance, Cienkowski, 1863), metaplasm/protoplasm (Hanstein, 1868), deutoplasm/protoplasm (van Beneden, 1870).

contraction), but it can also refer to coalescence by other metaplasms: synizesis, synaeresis or crasis.

A metaplasm is generic term for almost any kind of alteration, whether intentional or unintentional, in the pronunciation or the orthography of a word.

Prothesis is a metaplasm, a change in spelling or pronunciation.

Synizesis (/ˌsɪnəˈziːsɪs/) is a sound change (metaplasm) in which two originally syllabic vowels (hiatus) are pronounced instead as a single syllable.

Prothesis is a metaplasm, a change in spelling or pronunciation.

in English contraction), but it can also refer to coalescence by other metaplasms: synizesis, synaeresis or crasis.

metaplasm/protoplasm (Hanstein, 1868), deutoplasm/protoplasm (van Beneden, 1870), bioplasm (Beale, 1872), paraplasm/protoplasm (Kupffer, 1875), inter-filar substance.

substance, Cienkowski, 1863), metaplasm/protoplasm (Hanstein, 1868), deutoplasm/protoplasm (van Beneden, 1870), bioplasm (Beale, 1872), paraplasm/protoplasm.

(ectoplasm/endoplasm, Pringsheim, 1854; Hofmeister, 1867), Grundsubstanz (ground substance, Cienkowski, 1863), metaplasm/protoplasm (Hanstein, 1868), deutoplasm/protoplasm.

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