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lamentation Meaning in marathi ( lamentation शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

विलाप, आरडाओरडा, स्व अभिव्यक्ती,


खंत, क्षमस्व, रडत आहे, रडणे, विलाप,

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lamentation मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या ग्रंथातली मेघदूत, अन्योक्तिकलाप, विद्याप्रशंसा, प्रश्नोत्तरावली व विलाप अशी पाच प्रकरणे कालिदास, भवभूती, बिल्हण, जगन्नाथराय इत्यादी अत्यंत रसिक व प्राचीन कवींच्या ग्रंथांच्या आधाराने लिहिली होती.

इंग्रजी विलापकाव्यावरून स्फूर्ती घेऊन मोगरे यांनी विष्णुशास्त्री पंडित, विष्णुशास्त्री चिपळूणकर, आनंदीबाई जोशी, भाऊराव कोल्हटकर, व्हिक्टोरिया राणी, दयानंद सरस्वती, तुकोजीराव होळकर, जियाजीराव शिंदे, सनदी अधिकारी रिपन व सर जेम्स फर्गसन अशा अनेक सुप्रसिद्ध महान व्यक्तींवर विलापिका लिहिल्या आहेत.

यामुळे पीडित व्यक्तीच्या दु: खाच्या रडण्यांचे ऐकणे, एक विलाप आवाज तयार करते.

सूर्यविलाप आणि इतर एकांकिका (१९७९).

) सणाच्या गुंडाळ्या - गीतरत्न, रुथ, विलापगीत, उपदेशक, एस्तेर - एकूण ५ गुंडाळ्या.

(तुरुंगाच्या दारात/यशोधन) "तुटलेल्या तारा' या विलापिकेत राष्ट्रीय भावनांचे दर्शन घडते.

रामायण आणि त्याचे नंतरचे रूपांतर ताराच्या विलापावर जोर देते.

शेवटी, युधिष्ठिराने मृत कौरवांच्या अधिपतीला मृत्यूशय्येवर सोडण्यापूर्वी दुर्योधनाचे अंतिम संभाषण आणि विलाप ऐकले.

महाराष्ट्र जनविलाप (इ.

lamentation's Usage Examples:

Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying,In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.

birth is painful, aging is painful, illness is painful, death is painful; sorrow, lamentation, physical pain, unhappiness and distress are painful; union.

Vajtim or Gjëmë (Gjâmë in the Gheg dialect of the Albanian language) is the dirge or lamentation of the dead in the Albanian custom by a woman or a group.

tribulations she suffers leading to her state of lamentation, however, are cryptically described and have been subject to many interpretations.

mindedness, hatred, fanaticism, conflicts, lack of contentment, material hankering and lamentation, lack of mental control and inner peace, self-centredness.

According to Ibn Khallikan, 100 poets composed lamentations and every poet earned his reward from the Caliph.

However, in the situation of laser filamentation, the beam will quickly recollapse.

ContentIn the King James Version of the Bible the text reads:In Rama was there a voice heard,lamentation, and weeping, andgreat mourning, Rachel weeping forher children, and would not becomforted, because they are not.

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umbre vísi Rain is lamentation of the clouds and ruin of the hay-harvest and abomination.

He was then transformed into a water reed, whose rustling in the wind was interpreted as a sigh of lamentation.


complaint, lament, plaint, wail,


inactiveness, anastalsis, peristalsis, source, sink,

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