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lamentably Meaning in marathi ( lamentably शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शोकपूर्वक, दयनीयपणे, दुःखाने,



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lamentably मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

शक्यतो आनंदाने हुरळुन जाऊ नये,दुःखाने खच्चुन जाऊ नये दुःखा नंतर सुख व सुखा नंतर दुःख हे चालुच असते.

दुःखाने व्यथित सुधा त्यांच्या प्रेमाने भारावून जाते आणि कमला असे नाव घेऊन त्यांच्यासह मंदिरात रहायचे ठरवते .

कथेच्या इतर आवृत्त्यांमध्ये असे सांगितले आहे की: युधिष्ठिर जेव्हा त्याच्या शब्दांचा शेवटचा भाग बोलला तेव्हा तो पुरेसे जोरात नव्हता किंवा द्रोण दुःखाने युधिष्ठिराच्या विधानाच्या उत्तरार्धात प्रक्रिया करू शकला नाही.

ओंकारने स्वीटूला प्रपोज केले आणि नलूचे शब्द आणि तिचे वचन लक्षात ठेवून तिने दुःखाने प्रस्ताव नाकारला.

या सगळ्या प्रसंगाने मानसिक दुःखाने व्यथित स्वामीजी आश्रम सोडून निघून जातात.

तीही अ‍ॅनीच्या दुःखाने खचली व मरण पावली.

दुसऱ्याच्या दुःखाने दुःखी होणारा हा माणूस.

भारत देशावर होणारी आक्रमणे आणि त्यामुळे देशाचे होणारे नुकसान अधोरेखित करताना काही चित्रकार दुःखाने रडणारी स्त्री म्हणून भारतमाता चित्रित करतात.

या युद्धामध्ये झालेल्या आपल्या पुत्रांच्या संहाराने गांधारी दुःखाने वेडीपिशी बनली.

त्या दुःखाने तो गडबडा लोळू लागला व मोठमोठ्याने रडून पिशाच्चासारखा चौफेर फिरू लागला.

lamentably's Usage Examples:

Like so many post-nationalisation classes the K1s had lamentably brief lives.

essentially “coöperative,” where they had been purely individualistic and lamentably wasteful.

The body was found to be “most lamentably beaten”, which was thought to be the result of injuries inflicted by Alice.

The final evidence—lamentably too final—of his tendency to do everything himself was his personal presence.

became invisible, and that by this the Prisoner was scorch"d and burn"d lamentably.

episode of a waggoner, his wife, and six children; the texture will be most lamentably disproportionate.

The revenues of the see and of his chapter had of late been lamentably reduced.

The distinguishing mark of the hens was a crest, of lamentably scanty growth, in these latter days, but so oddly and wickedly analogous.

It is, lamentably, one of the poorest municipalities of Chiapas and Mexico.

I am lamentably disappointed - in her, I mean; not in him.

rock, and Messiaen-influenced classical music that lit up a future path lamentably unfollowed.

The Hellenic Front under the chairmanship of Voridis performed lamentably in the 2004 general election and managed to gather only 7000 (0.

the main NYC sessions, no less than five drummers were brought in, who lamentably failed to swing the big band as the absent Sam Woodyard could have done.


sadly, deplorably, woefully,



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