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know nothing Meaning in marathi ( know nothing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

काहीही माहीत नाही, पूर्णपणे मूर्ख, पूर्णपणे बेशुद्ध, अज्ञानी, अज्ञानी लोक,

know nothing मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अशा सुज्ञ व अज्ञानी लोकांना ईश्‍वराची खरी ओळख व अनुभूती देण्याकरिता संत तळमळीने आपले जीवन सर्मपित करीत असतात.

अशा ब्राह्मणांनी थापा मारल्या आणि त्या आपल्या अज्ञानी लोकांना खऱ्या वाटल्या.

तोच तो आहे ज्याने अज्ञानी लोकांमधून एक मेसेंजर (मुहम्मद) पाठवला, जो त्यांच्यापुढे त्याच्या आयत वाचतो आणि त्यांना शुद्ध करतो आणि त्यांना पुस्तक आणि शहाणपण शिकवतो, जरी त्यापूर्वी हे लोक (खोटे बोलत) होते (२).

त्याचबरोबर अज्ञानी लोकांच्या बुद्धीत कर्म न करण्याचा भ्रमही घुसडू नये.

know nothing's Usage Examples:

reply "I know nothing" when asked about its specifics by outsiders, providing the group with its common name.

It was once proposed to him to alter the existing constitutions, to which he responded: A poet used to praise those who ‘abide by the principles of the Heavenly Lord and appear as if they know nothing themselves’.

in chapter 14 – made by mixing most of the leftovers in the party"s food hamper: I forget the other ingredients, but I know nothing was wasted; and I.

The principal irony is that the men really know nothing about ducks.

picture of "the Trusty-servant," which hangs near the kitchen, and which emblematically sets forth those virtues in domestics, of which we Americans know nothing.

Working from McCown's histrionic screenplay, Martin Davidson of Eddie and the Cruisers proves once again that he don't know nothing 'bout directing no movies.

We know nothing about Roman’s life until 968, when he joined his older brother Boris in Constantinople to negotiate a peace agreement between Bulgaria and Byzantium, during which they apparently served as honorary hostages at the Byzantine court.

I know nothing, and care less, about political theory; knavery, oppression and ineptitude, as perpetrated by governments, interest me.

will be readily identifiable by an audience which might know nothing kinesthetically of actual dance .

Apart from the information that Smilec became emperor of Bulgaria according to the wishes of Nogai Khan, we know nothing of the circumstances of Smilec's accession.

Too bad for the wood which finds itself a violin, and brush off the oblivious, who quibble over things they know nothing about! Izambard.

"I know that I know nothing" is a saying derived from Plato"s account of the Greek philosopher Socrates.

As is often the case, people talk and write, claiming to know everything when they know nothing.


aliterate person, ignoramus, unskilled person, nonreader, aliterate, illiterate, uneducated person, illiterate person,


literate, illiteracy, educated,

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