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knowable Meaning in marathi ( knowable शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

माहीत आहे, उपलब्ध, धेया, संवेदनशील, पोहोचण्यायोग्य, जाणता, प्रवेशयोग्य, समजण्याजोगे,


उपलब्ध, धेया, संवेदनशील, प्रवेशयोग्य, जाणता, पोहोचण्यायोग्य, समजण्याजोगे,

knowable मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तेथेच तिला उभी करून 'काही विचारायचे ते विचारा' असे तो जाणता माणूस सांगतो.

शिवरायांचा ‘जाणता राजा’ असा गौरव केला जातो.

वराकडील जाणता माणूस मुलीला नाव, भावंडे, शिक्षण,नोकरी इत्यादी जुजबी प्रश्न विचारतो.

जन्माला येणे हे जरी आपल्या हातात नसले तरी मानव जन्मात तथागतांच्या धम्माला न जाणताच,न आचरताच मरणे या सारखे अभागी दुसरे कोणी नसुन जे मुकले तेच होय.

ईश्वर जाणता ईश्वराची सत्ता |मोक्ष हा तत्वता ईश्वरची ||९||.

सर्व मंडळी जमल्यावर वधूकडील कुणीतरी जाणता माणूस वराकडील मंडळींचे स्वागत करतो व आपल्या मंडळीस सांगतो की,अमक्या गावचे अमके पाहुणे आपली अमक्याची मुलगी पाहण्यास आले आहेत.

याचबरोबर फुलवंती व जाणता राजा ही नाटके त्यांनी लिहिली, दिग्दर्शित केली.

जाणता राजा महाराजा सयाजीराव गायकवाड (अजित पाटील).

पोटाच्या क्ष-किरण तपासणीमध्ये मुतखड्याचे आकारमान व घनता जाणता येते.

थोडक्यात मज्जाविकृत मनुष्य स्वतःच्या मानसिक गरजांचे रूपांतर अजाणता सद्गुणांमध्ये करीत असतो.

बाबासाहेब पुरंदरे यांनी मुख्यत्वे ऐतिहासिक विषयांवर वर्णनात्मक लेखन, ललित कादंबरी लेखन तसेच नाट्यलेखन व जाणता राजा या नाटकाचे दिग्दर्शन केले.

knowable's Usage Examples:

Atheism is an absence of belief in God, while agnosticism deems the existence of God unknown or unknowable.

Sophia conceives a passion for the First Father himself, or rather, under pretext of love she seeks to draw near to the unattainable Bythos, the Unknowable, and to comprehend his greatness.

References1980 video gamesBroderbund gamesApple II gamesAtari 8-bit family gamesClassic Mac OS gamesTRS-80 gamesVideo games developed in the United States A shadow price is a monetary value assigned to currently unknowable or difficult-to-calculate costs in the absence of correct market prices.

of Muktika canon where it is learnt that he knew That which was knowable and needed to be known, he knew That from which all this had originated.

Consider the following example:SELECT NULL OR TRUE -- Results in TrueIn this case, the fact that the value on the left of OR is unknowable is irrelevant, because the outcome of the OR operation would be True regardless of the value on the left.

realism, stating that anything that really exists is in principle humanly knowable.

Brahman, which summarily can be called the unknowable, true, infinite and blissful Divine Ground, is the source and being of.

Kanada"s system speaks of six properties (padārthas) that are nameable and knowable.

The claim that the existence of any deity is unknown or unknowable is agnosticism.

strives to present stories set in (and often centered on) a rational and knowable world.

As such, the sacred or numinous can inspire feelings of awe, because it is regarded as ultimately unknowable and beyond limited human abilities to perceive and comprehend.

theist believes in the existence of a God or gods, but regards the basis of this proposition as unknown or inherently unknowable.

Some believe the question of the existence of any god is most likely unascertainable or unknowable (agnosticism).


cognisable, cognoscible, cognizable,


transcendent, unknowable,

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