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kindled Meaning in marathi ( kindled शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पेटलेला, जळत आहे, प्रज्वलित करा, चिडचिड, उत्तेजित करा, आग पकडा, भडकावणे, इंधन, आग लावा, जागे व्हा, प्रोत्साहन देणे, उत्साहित मिळविण्यासाठी,



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kindled मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सभोवतालच्या सृष्टीविषयी, घटनांविषयी मुलांचे कुतूहल जागे व्हावे, त्यांच्यातील उपजत कल्पकतेला अधिक वाव मिळावा, त्यांच्या भावविश्वातल्या भावना व घडामोडी व्यक्त होण्यास संधी मिळावी यासाठी बाल साहित्य कोशाची निर्मिती केली जाते.

आ) सामाजिक :- १) शिकणेसाठी जागे व्हा , २) मनु म्हणे, ३) ब्रम्हवंती शेती, ४) शूद्रांचे दुखणे, ५) इंग्रजी माऊली, ६) शूद्र शब्दांचा अर्थ, ७) बळीस्तोत्र, ८) शूद्रांचे परावलंबन, ९)तयास मानव म्हणावे का? १०) अज्ञान ११) सावित्री व जोतीबा संवाद.

:जागे व्हा गरीब शोषितांनो.

kindled's Usage Examples:

bed; the fire was already out, and had, not without grumbling, to be rekindled; half an hour later, and I must have gone supperless to roost.

book by the American philosopher of religion Alvin Plantinga which re-kindled philosophical debate on the existence of God in Anglo-American philosophical.

"I would like it stressed that my interest in books and lettering was enkindled and encouraged in its development under the guidance of Miss Jessie Molaskey.

They broke up at the end of season three, although Rick returned in season four to see if their romance could be rekindled.

Their rekindled relationship became the central focus of the series until its conclusion.

This rekindled the Stud Stable versus Rock 'n' Roll Express feud from the 1980s.

The development effort was rekindled as Golgotha Forever, headed by Mark O'Hara.

Apollodorus, Typhon, "hurling kindled rocks", attacked the gods, "with hissings and shouts, spouting a great jet of fire from his mouth.

aimed; such the end, which God had held out to them; but His "strong compassions were kindled.

Livy records that after the Gauls burned down the temple they soon returned to find that the Vestals had rekindled their sacred fire among the ruins of the temple.

sumedhâ devó devân yajatuv agnír árhan "Agni is set upon the earth well kindled he standeth in the presence of all beings.

"The more the kindled combat rises high"r, The more with fury burns the blazing fire.

, whose body consists of five elements, kindled by delusion “I am (this) All” thus has become Viraj.


lit, ignited, lighted, enkindled,


unilluminated, unlit, lightless, dark, unlighted,

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