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kindly Meaning in marathi ( kindly शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कृपया, दयाळूपणे,


प्रेमळ, संत, कृपया, दयाळूपणे, सुंदर, आरामदायक, सभ्य, शुभेच्छा, परोपकारी, काळजीपूर्वक, दयाळू, लवली, आनंदी, मिलनसार, हार्दिक शुभेच्छा,


कृपया, दयाळूपणे, नम्रपणे, सौहार्दपूर्वक,

kindly मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

आपल्या जोडणा बंधू व मेहुणींच्या प्रभावापासून दूर राहून, तो कुटुंबाला एकजूट ठेवण्यासाठी तसेच गौरीला तिच्या योग्यतेने दयाळूपणे देण्याचा प्रयत्न करतो.

कार्तिक आणि दीपा वारंवार एकमेकांना भेटतात आणि कार्तिक दीपाच्या दयाळूपणे आणि उदारपणामुळे प्रभावित होतात.

पूर्वीच्या अँग्लो-मराठा युद्धामध्ये ब्रिटिशांचा विजय झाला होता आणि मराठे त्यांच्या दयाळूपणे होते.

इंदिरा गांधींच्या सरकारने आपल्या अधिकारांवर न्यायालयाच्या या निर्बंधाची दयाळूपणे दखल घेतली नाही.

देवी श्री विद्याला तिच्या दयाळूपणे आणि वैभवासाठी प्रार्थना केली जाते.

kindly's Usage Examples:

Scotch Reviewers, mentioned in the lines: Far be"t from me unkindly to upbraid The lovely Rosa"s prose in masquerade, Whose strains, the faithful echoes.

kindly, giving him money and clothes and setting him up in a felt yurt with koumiss to drink every day.

It has been unkindly described on Amazon as ‘a fleshed-out Wikipedia entry’, and there are very.

de coeur, “Waving Through a Window” — we can simultaneously hear the heartsore, conflicted young man and the intelligent, kindly kid buried inside him.

wrongly persuades the public that the animals they use are being treated kindly, and that continued use is therefore justifiable.

medium of a perverted judgment, very naturally, though I think not very learnedly or very kindly, translated it shall instead of will, and thus converted.

Her son treats her kindly but insensitively, and Mrs.

Quite unostentatious, genial, (and) kindly, the fleet-footed, far-famed athlete was beloved.

they use are being treated kindly, and that continued use is therefore justifiable.

forefathers; despite the approach of the white man, they did not remove their wigwams but received their strange visitors with a kindly greeting and lived in.

loves Jenny, who kindly begins to train her for the races as her rider and strapper.

town on the right bank of the Garonne; and its inhabitants received us so kindly, that every officer found in his quarter a family home.


large-hearted, benevolent, good-hearted, sympathetic, kind, openhearted, charitable,


inconsiderate, type, antitype, uncommunicative, unkind,

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